
Thursday, December 16, 2010

To Blog or Not to Blog???

That's the question that's been running through my head for weeks... what set this off ? Why am I suddenly spending more time in front of my computer than in front of my sewing machine? started innocently enough. In one word FLICKR!!!! I created a photo stream in order to join one or two online quilting groups....36 groups later...need I say more?? I had no idea, there is a whole subculture of online quilters out there!! I'm so hooked, do you think it has anything to do with my addictive personality type?  You know..the fabric addiction, the yarn, the books, the magazines and on and on. I know I'm not alone here! I have read the comments on my fabric stash.

Amidst all of this I have discovered something wonderful...I love the interaction of so many quilters.  Seeing your work, admiring your work and sharing mine with you. Your comments are so positive and encouraging (funny too..I love funny) that maybe just maybe I need to blog.

Now, how do you create a blog?


  1. Yay!!! It looks fab. I will be a follower - you should add under all your photos from now on "blogged" with a link to this and then people know where to find you, you get more followers and then the blog comes to life! Yes I think we quilters, bloggers and flickrers probably are a bit addictive - that's what keeps this community alive I think - lots of people checking in to see what's going on. And I loved the explanation of your spiral quilting - there were lots of words but I think it needed it!

  2. Thanks for the ecouragement. I'm sure I'll get this stuff figured out.

  3. Oh, I know what you mean with that Flickr :) I'm new to quiltingblogging too but I love it. So many wonderfull and gifted persons.

    And I love your quilts. They aren;t in my confort zone as far as the colours go, but I do find them very inspiring. And that spiral quilting... gorgeous!

  4. Thanks for stopping by Diana and taking the time to comment, it's appreciated.

  5. Holy cow! I just found your blog through Melody Johnson's blog and I am drooling over all your luscious quilts! The designs, the colors,... it's all incredible. Honestly, I am just captivated by your work. Thanks for taking the time to blog-it's very inspirational!

  6. Thanks so much Patsy, I'm glad you are being inspired.


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Thanks again for all your wonderful comments