
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I Blame it on the Pedometer

We bought pedometers.....I'm still in the end of a very productive day, I barely managed in 900 steps. I was very busy, I had blogged and Flickred and blogged some more...and quilted...and if I could count sewing miles, I would qualify for the Boston Marathon, hands down. Oh, did I mention that I am married to Mr. 10,000 steps, before 8 a.m..... yes, I repeat, as in 8 o'clock the morning. Us night owls are usually partnered up with those early bird types....but that's another topic.

I recently watched a program that suggested 10,000 steps 900 was pretty pathetic. So I did what any quilter, worth her salt, would do....I walked to the Quilt Shop.....not once....but twice this week.  And on those days I managed 7,000 steps hmmm.... there's nothing to this walking thing....maybe a little costly.

 What can I say I have two baby granddaughters.......

Is it my fault that I live less than 10,000 steps from the Local Quilt Shop. In all fairness, I did cut into some of it, the minute I got home.

See, It's right there, already.  Did I mention, I'm off to the Cloth Castle tomorrow....half hour drive.


  1. You have a lqs within walking distance??? That's not fair. I don't even know if it's legal. It's certainly dangerous.

  2. The sad thing is that about a month ago I moved into a house only 3 blocks away from my LQS but it's just closed down. I found out when I walked there last weekend.

  3. i sometimes set my machine up so i can sew standing up. there are few more steps to gain then. :o)

  4. I love where you are going with these stripes!

  5. Great new fabric!
    We walk daily ~ when I'm sewing my husband has to pull me away from the sewing machine to go walking!
    That would be great to have a quilt store close by!

  6. You made my day, laughing all the way. By the way I did about 1000 steps on my treadmill this morning. I found fabric to go with the quilt for my grandboys and have put a few blocks together. They look great, thanks for the tip.

  7. I guess I'm lucky I can't walk to a quilt shop. I'd be in a lot of trouble .....

  8. Check your pedometer if it's sitting correctly on your hip. Do a 'test' of about 50 steps and then check your ped.

  9. Trust me, the pedometer is not the problem.

  10. Would love to live close enough to a LQS to walk to! Ours is 12 miles away along highways. I love to walk in the summer and use a pedometer to try and get at least 2 miles. I also just found your blog and am enjoying reading about the QAYG.

  11. I can't WAIT to see what you do with that stripe fabric!!

  12. As you can see I already started using it in the strip on stripe picture. Sorry I didn't anwer directly...but the no reply thing comes up when I try to comment back from my email.

  13. I never thought of that. I have a LQS close enough to walk to. Hmmmm. I wonder if carrying all that money to the shop and fabric back home will add points to the exercise routine.

    1. All the more reason to bring lots of money and buy lots of really heavy fabric.


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