
Saturday, January 1, 2011

Looking Forward to 2011

Posted by PicasaI have been asking myself what I want for the upcoming year, in my quilting life. This mosaic is a small window into my design world. I love to play with fabric, paint or yarn. I always have multiple projects on the go and have come to accept that, as part of my process. For the upcoming year three things come to mind:
  • I would like to push my self design wise and not just fill my time with easy, mindless, busy type quilting...there is a place for that (I actually love the rhythm of it), but there is also place for stepping out of one's comfort zone.
  • I would like to revisit an unfinished project or two,  from way back, that probably deserve to be finished.
  • I would like to commit to this blog for at least a year. I'll probably try putting together a few tutorials.
This might all sound a bit vague, but as in quilting I like to improvise and see where it takes me.

 I wish all of you a Happy and Creative New Year. I look forward to connecting with this wonderful, supportive group of online quilters, that I just sort of stumbled into, a few months ago. I love seeing every one's work and sharing my journey with you.

1 comment:

  1. I cant wait for a few tutorials.... or sew a long?????? Share your talent.. I have been collecting fabric for a year and getting a studio fixed up, still needs lighting. and the paint makes photos yellow so redo........ but I strive to complete a quilt like one of yours one day..


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