
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Love Affair with QAYG

It was this particular quilt that started my love affair with QAYG quilts, back in 2006. I spent an evening with  friends, who were making quilts for an orphanage in the Ukraine. They were tossing around ideas, that I had long forgotten about....but I went home pumped and decided to make a quilt for the orphanage too. I had some quarter circles that I had been playing with and decided to use them for the center of the quilt. I quilted the center and then added each border and quilted each border, before I added the next one.

If you look at the back of the quilt you can see the center with all the borders. I was having such a blast making this quilt, that I called friend to join me and we have been quilting together ever since ( the BLOCKHEADS...more about them another day). I got her so hooked, that I think, maybe, just maybe, her husband thinks I'm a bad influence in the stash is that even possible?

I had so much fun I thought I better do one for home. I was playing with circles at the time so I threw them in there too.

Posted by PicasaThere a couple of advantages to this method
  1. You get to start quilting early on in the project....I love that.
  2. You don't have to stuff the whole quilt under the machine (there are those of you, out there..and you know who are....Lynne...whoops did I say that out loud???) that get a strange satisfaction out of doing just that.  Me, I just get a headache.
  3. There a number of different QAYG methods ( I do love researching different methods).
  4. The quilt actually gets I know, there are many tops hidden away, never to see the light of day, because they never get quilted I have a few, of those myself.


  1. just stunning! so what QAYG methods do you use??

  2. Oh dear, does that mean I actually have to SHOW HOW I do some of this stuff??

  3. please - please - please!!!!

    I introduced my sister-in-law to your blog and she loved it too :)

  4. It would be great if you could point us to a book or website that teachs the technique you love.


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