
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

No More Guilt

Yeah!! I finished the binding last night. I just have to pick off all those pesky little threads, that I didn't snip along the way. This will be the first quilt I finished in 2011...I'm off to a pretty good start I would say.....unless you take a look around my house you will see I haven't accomplished much else, since the new year rolled in. The Christmas tree is still blinking at me in the corner of the living room.

Whoops I've done it again.....given in to guilt. As I spend time reading all the lovely blogs that I follow I notice a similar thread running through many of own included...and that is guilt.  I pushed through the month of December...making a quilt, starting a blog and doing Christmas.  Do I pat myself on the back, heck no, I say, but the house is mess. When I posted a mosaic of quilts I completed in  the year 2010 I apologised because the number was small. When I save literally hundreds of dollars, finding fantastic fabric deals I bemoan my addiction rather than embracing my buying savvy. Instead of celebrating the multiple projects on the go we give them that horrible UFO title. 

There are those quilters or knitters, who can buy just enough for one project.  They start, finish and move onto the next project. I'm just not one of those.  My brain is all over the map when it comes to creating...and that is just the way I like more guilt or shame.


  1. It's fantastic! And thanks for your process posts on piecing the batted and quilted blocks.

  2. Ok, I don't know what I'm more amaized by, the quilt or your house :)))

    The binding is perfect and the quilt...well...really ... it's really special. I l.o.v.e.i.t!

    Did I mention the house? :D I wanna see more. SHow me the house :D

  3. i love the embracing of stash and denial of guilt. like you, i tend to stock up when i find a bargain, but i'd like to learn how to stash 'smarter' and understand better when and why i buy fabrics.

  4. How did you do the circle quilting. I have a longarm and I'm thinking that took some time.


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