
Sunday, February 13, 2011

Here's to Lily's Quilts

If you have always longed for hexagons, but have been stopped by fear, you need to check out this brilliant pattern by  Lynne .  Trust me, you will get much more than you bargained for.   She is a constant source of encouragement to the online quilting community.   She is talented and, oh my, she does make us laugh. 

She gave me the nudge I needed, to start my blog, and was the first one to push that follow know how scary it is to publish that first post.    It's people like Lynne, that help make this wonderful community of quilters come alive.
Congratulations Lynne.....and thanks for just being you.


  1. Wow, that gave me a lump in my throat, thank you for that lovely lovely post. XXX

  2. Beautiful quilt, and Lynne sounds like a lovely person!


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