
Monday, February 28, 2011

I was Liebstered and Tagged

Nadine from Quilted Bliss awarded me with the Leibster Award and Deborah over at Quilt Routes Tagged my blog. You'll want to stop and check out both these talented women.

Here are the rules of the Liebster Award  and Tagging 
  • Tell your readers who tagged or nominated you.
  • Add a link to their blog.
  • Pay it forward!!! Award 3-5 bloggers who you think deserve this award.
  • Inform then and post directions to your blog
  • Pick blogs with under 300 followers
Choosing my favorite blogs under 300 is not all that easy. I ask myself two questions:
  • What draws me to a blog?
  • What keeps me coming back?
The first thing I probably notice is a picture, of one their quilts...I'm attracted to innovative use of colour and design. A balance of photos and writing is important to me. Too much print and no photos and....I'm gone.
 There is something more.....I feel a connection with the following blogs because in them, I find humour, sharing of ideas, inspiration and encouragement.  The following bloggers take time to make contact with people that comment....their blogs are warm and welcoming. I hope all of you will take a moment to visit with them., I do almost every morning.

To the following blogs I give the Liebster Award. If you have time stop by and you won't be disappointed.
  1. Smazoochie
  2. Mary at Fiberliscious
  3. Kat at Mummastimetocreate
 I am Tagging the following blogs.
  1. Dan at Made by a Man just a note....this is very new blog but I have a feeling it might really take off.
  2. Leila at Where the Orchids Grow
  3. Lisa at Shinersview
I hope you find time to visit these wonderful quilters.


  1. Well done for both getting 'Liebed' and Tagged! Thank you for tagging me, I'll have a think about who to pass this on to..

    x Leila

  2. Wow! Thanks for tagging me. I've got my work cut out for me now to keep posting and pay it forward!

  3. Well done for your awards! And thanks for passing it on to me. It's always lovely to get recognition and encouragement :)

  4. I am gob-smacked!
    Congratulations! And thank you so much!


Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I try to respond to all of your wonderful comments....if you are not getting any response from me it's because you are set up as a no-reply blogger. In order to receive a response you can change your status in your blogger profile. I'm no longer accepting anonymous comments.

Thanks again for all your wonderful comments