
Friday, February 18, 2011

My Favourite Quilting Thread

My absolute favourite quilting thread is by Valdani. It has beautiful colour ways and comes in more than one weight.


  1. So far I haven't used color changing thread. I tend to assume that the design intent for color changing quilting is for the thread to disappear, while I usually want the thread to pop (to differing levels of design success, to be sure). On the other hand my BF knits the most beautiful things from color changing yarn. But in knitting the yarn is the fabric, while quilting thread plays foil to the fabric.

    How do you decide on thread color, especially color changing thread?

  2. You see, this is the coolest blog - I just loved this post - simple, to the point, nice pic - I really think you have the knack of the blog!

  3. knack for blogging ~ for sure!
    enjoy your long weekend :)

  4. Love the threads too. Which weight do you prefer?


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