
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Quilting With Friends

No trouble getting my 10,000 steps in these days (just look, that's heather blooming here in Victoria). I was supposed to go back to Edmonton last Saturday...I didn't. Sent Mr. 10,000 steps before 8 am, back to the deep freeze, in exchange for one Blockhead (other Blockheads opted to stay frozen). What is a Blockhead you may ask??

There's one right there holding that bolt of fabric, like it's the next best thing to sliced bread. Actually, The BLOCKHEADS are a small group of women, that I quilt with most Thursdays, when I am back in Edmonton. This particular Blockhead..Evonne, came to spend two weeks with me here in Victoria. We're old friends that met, when we were expecting at the same time (those two "boys" are now 34 years old). It's crazy, how later we became fellow quilters...or should I say partners in crime.


First order of the day...guess where??


 Step away from the clearance wall! Did we??....Of course not!

This is where I found all those fabulous stripes (of the previous) post.
Quilting with friends can be like the icing on the's to Lauren and Judy (frozen blockheads back home).


  1. Sure was an awesome sale at the Castle, should go back and pick up the stuff we missed!

  2. It's really not so bad here in the frozen north today it's supposed to be +5. When it's nasty out we quilt when it is nice we feel guilty and should really go out for a walk. Guess I should walk today!!! Enjoy your escapades. Miss you two! From one blockhead to another.

  3. Good thing you Blockheads aren't as frozen as we thought...could be bad for creativity.


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