
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

What's Your Approach?

Untitled, originally uploaded by MariQuilts.

Many years ago number one son was complaining to number two son about his school work......number two son said "Your problem is that you only learn the facts while I learn the concepts." You might recognize this as the same son who was appalled by paint by number at age four....needless to say, today he is a gifted teacher. Sorry us moms like to get a little brag in, now and then.

However, that thought has stayed with me. I watched it in action, on the boat last week. The course was charted, plans were made and we were on our way, but the exhilaration lay in the unknown .....the weather,the current,the was all a catalyst for the challenge. I watched, the four sailors on board, draw from their understanding of those concepts, mixed with their experience , meet the challenge head on.......and loving every minute of it. Was it without anxiety or fear....of course not! But oh the wonder of it.....and that's how I love to quilt!

What's your approach?


  1. By all means brag all you want. My youngest son is a teacher too. His older sister thought he'd make a great engineer and I was hoping he'd go into architecture. My eldest son is a published writer.

  2. I envy you that you get to reflect from such a beautiful warm blue water climate! My approach? I tend to like the feeling of not knowing exactly how to do something. It's more fun to learn by experience, being messy, which for me is just like playing, rather than keeping paint in the lines by numbers, which feels like being told what to do. When I notice the perfectionist in me trying to take over, I try hard to admire imperfection, because it really is so human and beautiful. Lovely post Marianne.

  3. I'm so envious of your marvelous holiday right now - what a truly beautiful spot!
    Your son sounds like a great teacher! And a character at that LOL...


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