
Thursday, June 16, 2011

My Process Is Messy

QAYG Log Cabin 2011 by MariQuilts
QAYG Log Cabin 2011, a photo by MariQuilts on Flickr.

My process is fairly messy....
QAYG Log Cabin 2011 by MariQuilts
QAYG Log Cabin 2011, a photo by MariQuilts on Flickr.

I end up with piles of fabric all over the place.
QAYG Log Cabin 2011 by MariQuilts
QAYG Log Cabin 2011, a photo by MariQuilts on Flickr.

The further I am, into the project, get the worse it gets...fabric all over the floor, as I figure out my fabric choices along the way.

QAYG Log Cabin 2011 by MariQuilts
QAYG Log Cabin 2011, a photo by MariQuilts on Flickr.

I may have a messy process, but after a week and a half, the last border is on!!!! I just have to quilt that last border and I'll be ready to put on the binding. Now cross your fingers that I can get that done, before some other idea calls my name. If I get this done, it will be my first finish of 2011. It feels good to actually start and finish something quickly......whoops I guess I better actually finish, before I pat myself on the back.

About the new computer is in the city....sent to my wonderful, computer guy, instead of to me and he has, believe it or not, gone fishing. Sort of sounds like the dog ate my homework type of excuse...but it's the truth...honest. Seriously, it is on the top of my to do list.


  1. That quilt is stunning - I love your use of colour !

  2. Love this quilt, and the quilting ....? is awesome.

    I recognize that creative mess! Feels like home to me. Piles of fabric everywhere, "folded" in their own special way.

    Looking forward to your tutorial.


  3. Th quilt is amazing - I love it more each time I see it, plus I'm a little jealous all that space in your studio - if (when) I get my design wall sorted I'll be lucky if I can step back 4' to get a view of what's on it

  4. I know I say this EVERY time but I love your quilts. It's very inspiring to watch you create... and I LOVE that you have total fabric chaos.. I am sitting in bed and have just abandoned ship on a quilt that is doing my head in.

    You can do it!!

  5. Wow wow wow what an amazing quilt and such a clever idea to do the QAUG method. Cannot wait for the tutorial please please please. Love the colours tooo.

  6. It is getting more spectacular with each picture!

  7. hooray for monogamy! that quilt is modernity at its best.

    and i love messes. :o)

  8. The process may be messy but the outcome is wonderfully colourful. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  9. I love this quilt. Messy is a good sign!

  10. GO GIRL. The quilt is wonderful and your studio mess looks like "home" to me. I am bettin' that this one will cross the finish line soon.

  11. I absolutely love this quilt. Your mess looks kind of like my mess when I'm working/playing. I always think messy = creativity!

  12. I still love this quilt, especially your colour choices! Now the computer guy went fishing... it is so like the dog ate my homework! You should get a keyboard attachment for your wonderful ipad and then you would be good to go!


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