
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Well Known Fact: People with Hobbies Have To Much Stuff

Why, Why do I do this to myself......see my new computer sitting there.   One new thing can  set  me off  moving everything around, and that is no small feat.  I have to many hobbies and to much paraphernalia that goes them.
As the computer came in, the what if I just thoughts came rushing in......such as what  if  I move the desk here and what if I move the book cases downstairs.......and on and on
Within the hour of that first dangerous thought....I have stuff piled everywhere.

And more stuff

And even more..this table alone is piled with knitting books and people, it's a huge pool table. What can I say, when I take up a hobby I like to educate myself.

These are the empty book cases, that I got my poor husband to drag down stairs...and on Father's Day of all things.
I started the morning off with a perfectly clean house and I have now, made enough work for myself, to last all week. As was I piling stuff everywhere I realized it is time to let go of a few things, and focus on my primary interests.

In the chaos, I manged to hook up the computer and write this post....I think I do know where my focus is these days.....quilting and blogging and quilting some more. Any related stuff gets to stay....the rest.....I think I might be making some trips to the Goodwill drop off.


  1. Glad it's not just me that gets into the "what if" trouble! We sure can collect a lot of stuff for our hobbies. I've always wanted to try my hand at pottery but just can't see how I can fit the wheel in my sewing room LOL! Good luck on reorganizing and purging 8-)

  2. Oh dear - I must admit I'm in the same boat - my work room is tiny (about 6'x7'9"), and I've just been in the local British Heart Foundation charity furniture shop and reserved a wardrobe to fit over the stair bulkhead in the hopes of getting the room into some sort of order - but the spinning wheel will have to stay down stairs and hopefully I'll find a nook for the weaving loom and warping frame, along with all my quilting supplies

  3. oh yes. i have a studio that is filled with stuff. STUFF. a good reorganization project is always on the horizon, but when i start i get distracted and end up working on sewing something.

    best of luck!

  4. I think that I wrote this post? Oh, you wrote it. I am trying hard since I cleaned the whole room, but in one tiny second, it can be a disaster again. And parting causes such sorrow....

  5. I like that your focus is on quilting and blogging!! Your stuff looks very put together and clean?? Not my stuff!

  6. Too funny, Dianne......once all is clean I can mess it up again in the blink of an eye....well back to cleaning.

  7. I don't envy you. I did a major purge a few years ago--could do with another one now. After dealing with all the stuff in my parents' old house, I have a low tolerance for clutter.

  8. Heheh glad to see I'm not the only one easily sidetracked :)
    Really looking forward to your tute too :) Xx

  9. How well you have put into words and pictures the fate of so many of us. Today, I am suffering from clutter freeze. Standing in the doorway of my studio and I am almost in tears. What am I going to do next? There are umpteen projects calling me. My solution: sit in front of the computer screen and see what everyone else is doing.
    Good luck with cleaning up and out!

  10. Oh boy, does that sewing room method sound familiar!! My DH calls it "rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic" and he has a point!!

    But it feels so good when everything is back in it's place!!

    doni @ Oregon coast


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