
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Found a little Something...... From Way Back When

I found this wonky, little block, from way back when......more than ten years ago.

Where does the time go?

 Now and then I plan to to do a little shot of something from the past.

What should I do with it......a little pillow, maybe??

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Folded Up And Ready to Go....just one last look

Dresden Gone Urban all washed and folded up, ready to go.......

Just one last look

Up close and personal

Another peek at the back.....and this one's for you Dave (my wonderful son-in-law).

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Little Show and Tell

Back in sad to leave the coast. But before I left, a blogging buddy, that works in the Satin Moon Quilt Shop, 
wanted to see Strips on Stripes in real life.

So here is Sarah from the After Craft.......

having a little touchy, feely time with Strips on Stripes. See  you next time I'm back on the island, Sarah.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Strips on Stripes Finished.....

 Where did it start? ........Where is it going?
I've been a asked, a number of times, what inspired this quilt. For me, inspiration is not always that straight forward. It started with a few fat quarters and me wanting to make a sample, for joining blocks, in a QAYG tutorial. I simply got carried away, but there were a few other things rattling around in my brain, at the time.
 The Ticker Tape thing was pretty prevalent in blog land last January and I was trying to come up with some way, of avoiding, all those little pieces and stitching around all four sides of each piece.....some laziness going on here. The first thing, that came to me, was strips....thus eliminating half the edges. I then realized, I was not all that fussy, for the raw edges, so I appliqued the strips, in order, to avoid that.

But, these were are just methods I was playing with.....part of the process, but not all that inspirational.

Right around this time  Chawne, gifted artist that she is,  knit a took my breath away. I wanted that type of texture and excitement in a quilt.......and I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, it was part of the inspiration for my quilt. Thanks Chawne, for letting me use this beautiful picture in my blog.
Syncopation: all done
The interesting thing about inspiration is that it always leads to more inspiration.......

Strips on Circles  is the next quilt in this series....if you can actually call it a series.

Speaking of Hexagons

Speaking of hexagons....I've only ever made one hexagon quilt and that was in the year 2008.

I made this baby quilt using the Super 60 ruler.

Here is a bit of a close up.
I had lots of fun today, playing with this log cabin type, strip method....highly addictive.
I couldn't stop playing....just what I need another project, that has a tendency to grow, at an alarming rate. There are lots of possibilities, floating around my head, for this method.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Call of the Hex A Long

Oh dear, I haven't finished the binding on my Strips on Stripes quilt....have multiple other projects on the go...... but in the distance........

 I'm hearing the call

 of the Hexalong over at Lily's Quilts


This  clever little tute by Sarah over at Pings and Needles  is making the call even louder. 
She added even more info after I published the post and it has to do with QAYG....and you know how much I love QAYG!!

So I started playing

We'll see what happens......

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Just a Little Bit Closer.....

Just a little bit're my kind quilt...and the night is so long......Oh dear, am I about to burst out in song, maybe not.

Just a little bit's me humming in case you're wondering)
And that's it ......until the quilt is finished.

Alright just one more....I just joined the last row.

And just one more.......that's really it this time.

Monday, July 18, 2011

I'm Getting Closer and Closer

I almost gave into temptation to start something new, but then I thought......I'm getting closer and closer to finishing this I've decided to persevere.

Quilt back...with connector strips attached

Just three rows to join....some binding and I'll be FINISHED.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Went Walking....instead of Quilting

I had every intention of hunkering down and working on my quilt but, what can I say.....

This called my name.

 As I walked, soaking in the sunshine, I found myself being intrigued by the various stages in nature. The fresh bloom beside the withered one....the sapling beside the driftwood....the children throwing rocks in the water....the lovely elderly lady sitting on the bench.

And so it is, in many aspects of our lives, including our creative journey.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Making Headway

I finally plugged in my machine today......and started making headway,

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Time to Start Stripping Again

I'm back at my West Coast Studio trying to conjure up a little motivation. Here is my Strips on Stripes just waiting to be put together........

Time to start stripping again!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Dresden Gone Urban/Lily's Quilts QAL

Here is my finished quilt...... Dresden Gone Urban..... for Lily's Quilts QAL. I managed to take a few quick shots outside yesterday morning at 5:30 am before I headed out to the airport. For a little more info check out my guest post over at  Lily's Quilts   

Quilt Back

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I thought I could, I thought I could and I did........ only to realize it's to dark to take any really good pictures now, and I'm leaving on a really early flight in the to the west coast and all my projects waiting there. If I get up really really early, I might just get a few good shots in, before I go.....then  again, not really a morning person.

An additional note: the missing chunk of grey fabric turned up the moment I added the black borders....what did I tell you.......I knew I had more of the much need grey (a number of meters more). I'm not crazy after all.  I think it was a happy accident, I'm quite happy with the dark borders and sashing.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Famous Last Words....I'll Just QUICKLY Finish this Quilt

Have you ever said.......I'll just quickly finish this quilt.  As far as I'm concerned that's just asking for trouble.  As soon as those words, come out of my mouth, things start to go wrong. Last Thursday, that was my plan, to quickly finish joining the squares for my quilt, for Lily's Quilts QAL......well, I didn't have quite as much grey fabric as I thought I did....the minute I finish I'm sure the huge piece, of missing fabric, will mysteriously surface out of nowhere.

I also decided the quilt needed some borders to balance the sashing....more grey fabric was needed. What did I do....changed direction of course. Here you see me adding some borders, using the QAYG method (notice they are not grey).

As you can see, the squares are almost joined...but all that time, fooling around with more fabric and adding borders made quick work of my supposedly quick finish.

Quilt Back

So tomorrow I plan to quickly add the last two borders and the binding....whoops I said it again.

When it's all finished I'll give you the goods, on how this quilt came about, on Lynne's blog at Lily's Quilts 

Friday, July 1, 2011

Fresh Sewing Day

Another month has passed and once again it's Fresh Sewing Day over at  Lily's Quilts . You'll want to check it out and see what we've all been working on this month.

 For me It was My twelve Day QAYG Log Cabin Quilt