Friday, July 8, 2011

Dresden Gone Urban/Lily's Quilts QAL

Here is my finished quilt...... Dresden Gone Urban..... for Lily's Quilts QAL. I managed to take a few quick shots outside yesterday morning at 5:30 am before I headed out to the airport. For a little more info check out my guest post over at  Lily's Quilts   

Quilt Back


  1. Love this quilt - have always loathed Dresden Plate till Lynne got onto it........have used the strip method of QAYG many yrs ago and found it quite laborious but I was new to it all then. I am thinking I might re-vist the method, great tutes.

  2. OK, that's cool. Love how you quilted it. :D

  3. woohoo! a stunning result, as always. have a great weekend!

  4. Oooooh!!!!! You've done it again! Totally awesome!!

  5. Hey there,

    I love your blog and have decided to give you the Lovely Blog Award.

    I hope you'll be able to hand it on to other lovely bloggers.

    Best wishes,

    Nadine xx

  6. Fantastic quilt - love those colours and the graphic effect - stunning

  7. I must tell you that I think your quilt is utterly fabulous! Kudos to you! Truly inspired!

  8. Is there a pattern available for this quilt?

  9. No, I'm afraid not...I did blog about it along the way though.

  10. I was afraid of that - It's beautiful, you should publish the pattern :)

  11. Thanks...something to think about.


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