
Sunday, July 3, 2011

Famous Last Words....I'll Just QUICKLY Finish this Quilt

Have you ever said.......I'll just quickly finish this quilt.  As far as I'm concerned that's just asking for trouble.  As soon as those words, come out of my mouth, things start to go wrong. Last Thursday, that was my plan, to quickly finish joining the squares for my quilt, for Lily's Quilts QAL......well, I didn't have quite as much grey fabric as I thought I did....the minute I finish I'm sure the huge piece, of missing fabric, will mysteriously surface out of nowhere.

I also decided the quilt needed some borders to balance the sashing....more grey fabric was needed. What did I do....changed direction of course. Here you see me adding some borders, using the QAYG method (notice they are not grey).

As you can see, the squares are almost joined...but all that time, fooling around with more fabric and adding borders made quick work of my supposedly quick finish.

Quilt Back

So tomorrow I plan to quickly add the last two borders and the binding....whoops I said it again.

When it's all finished I'll give you the goods, on how this quilt came about, on Lynne's blog at Lily's Quilts 


  1. Thanks for the laugh. I just spent all day (pretty much sun up to sun down on one of the longest days of the year) quickly finishing a quilt top. Oy, when will I ever get my head around how long this stuff takes?

    Can't wait to see your finished quilt. The orange/green/grey is fantastic.

  2. OMG Marianne, that exact thought has struck me so many times before - when I think - yes, yes, yes, I'm nearly there - then I mess up. I did about twenty miles of FMQ on the quilt I'm just about it finish in the wrong place and then ran out of the coral thread I needed to get it finished so decided to finish something else instead and ran out of bondaweb. Grrr

  3. Sounds like I was in good company today!!!

  4. You made me laugh too, thank you! And, whenever it is finally done, it is clearly going to be stunning!

  5. I can't wait to see this baby finished. It looks beautiful. The frustrating thing about coming up against all the snags is that you stop loving the project and start getting annoyed by it. I try to go into things thinking I'll just work on it a bit and if it gets finished it's much more exciting and there is far less anxiety. Good luck, it's looking beautiful and well worth the wait.

  6. This very thing happened to me just last night. I went to my studio to make a couple of baby gifts. There was a quilt laying next to my machine. I thought "I'll just quickly quilt a couple of more lines and then it will be ready for the squares next time I am down here" EVERY STITCH I sewed last night has to be removed!! UGH!!!

  7. Yep, there must have been something in the air! I sat down to "finish up" a bee block and promptly sewed all the wrong pieces together. Three hours later it was done :)

  8. Heheh those are dangerous words when I utter them too. My husband now just rolls his eyes when he hears them lol... thx for the chuckle. Can't wait too see it finished in all its glory :) Xx

  9. Whatever IT is, is in the air down south too. And I didn't even say it out loud. Looks terrif as always, even if....


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