
Sunday, August 7, 2011

I Don't Feel Like Starting and I Don't Feel Like Finishing

Stacks of fabrics to start....

Stacks of starts to finish..but I got nothing. What's up with that?

But I do have, a beautifully organized set of book cases.
 I'm sure my motivation will be back soon...I hope. I must have that new West Coast Studio on my mind...I'll keep you posted on that.


  1. Hi Mari, my advice. Start looking through all your books. You bought them because something inside them inspired you. When you start glancing through them again. You will be inspired to create something. You can't help it!!!! Other artist never fail to inspire!! --hugs --Sandie

  2. It's too tidy! When I get going I always seem to have fabric all over the place! Grin! Good luck of finding the right motivation!

  3. Love what you've done so far! Maybe you need some new sources of inspiration! Jxo

  4. Yup, that's where I've been lately. But with most of the latest life's obstacles behind me for a few days, I am off and running. You will get there too. Of that I am certain.

  5. hmmm...enjoy the rest period, but visit an art gallery, or a circus...look at your books, or buy new ones (my personal fav!) visit some quilter pals and have cream cakes and tea (another fav!)...perhaps you need to make something in beige to give your head a rest! :)

  6. I just stumbled onto your beautiful blog, through "Other Peoples art work" blog. your card is absolutely gorgeous.
    Your colouring is perfect. Best for inspiration.

  7. Thanks so are set at no-reply, so I'll just thank you here.

  8. It's easy I think to fall out with our projects, I had to force myself yesterday to start back on the quilting, after not being totally happy with some feathers I did last week, but then went I started sewing I remembered how much I really loved the quilt and now cant wait to sew on it again!
    I'm sure your mojo will come back soon :)

  9. oh, what a terrible feeling! i'm in a want-to-start mood and so the WIPS are proliferating. gonna have to rein that in soon.

    best of luck with your lull...

  10. Sometimes you just need a bit of a break before you figure out where to go next.

  11. Mari......I just adore what you do and have whipped up a QAYG quilt of my own. But I have a BIG question! How did you do the Stripes on Strips quilt? Are all those stripes appliqued or done as connectors. I am going crazy trying to figure it out. If appliqued, how did you get them so straight? Please, please put me out of my misery and do tell how you did it. Thanks!

  12. it will come, don't push it. maybe do a very small project that you can cut,sew and finish in and afternoon. coaster or a place mat. might spark the mood to get into the unfinished stuff.

  13. Thanks so much Sonia, since you are set at no-reply I'll answer here. Most of the strips are appliqued and a few are narrow connectors. To tell you the truth some of them are fairly wonky. I basically used the stripe of the background fabric as my guide.

  14. oooo - the circle strip project is fantastic! If you're worried about lack of motivation, set a date by which you want to be back in the swing of your quilting. Then just ignore it! Do something else - go explore something you haven't seen yet in your area, or catch some fun movies, or read some good books. If you feel like quilting again, do it! If the date comes and you haven't already gotten back into the groove, your rest should give you the willingness to resume the "task" and once you get going, your mojo will probably fall back in line. :)

  15. I've stalemated too. Our quild is having a quilt show mid September and I need to finish off 3 quilts, yikes! I'm hoping panic will set in soon, that usually gets me going! Sometimes a trip to the museum can get the creativity going. Being surrounded by all the artwork stimulates the creativity.

  16. Mari......Thanks so much for your reply. I really need to see those fabulous strips in person. They look razor sharp straight. The straightest wonky I've ever seen! The strips on circles quilt is amazing too, a real eye pleaser.
    When I'm stalled and my muse is lounging with her feet up....I tidy my studio and browse through my many books. I know from experience that my sub-conscious is working on the next project. You recently finished a lot of pieces and your subby is just resting and working on the next aha! or what if?

  17. Good advice Sonia....and everyone else. Thanks

  18. your quilts are so amazing. And dang, that's one organized bookshelf. hee! I love all your bold colors. I'll stop in again soon.


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