
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Another Day of Scraping........sort of

My husband is off sailing for a week so you can guess where I've been hanging out......

I started out using scraps but as you can see I'm also digging into quite a few larger pieces of fabric (is that cheating??)....needless to say there is fabric strewn all over, every possible surface, floor included. I'm probably creating more scraps them I'm using!!!!

Those slivers of light purple are almost the last of it.

The strip set in the bottom of the right hand corner is from a few years ago.......feels so  good to be actually using  it.


  1. ooooh that looks so lovely, rich and earthy

  2. I really enjoy your work process and it makes me so happy to imagine the mess you create during that process - I cannot be tidy around my fabric for long!!

  3. this is really thrilling to watch! i love your use of color and your improvisational style.

  4. It looks like you are having great fun!


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