
Monday, September 12, 2011

It's Like Drawing on Your Quilt

Quilting makes the quilt come to really is a little like drawing.

QAYG makes that so much easier because you are quilting small sections of the quilt. That in itself, gives you the opportunity to be creative, with so much more ease, as Dan from Piece and Press discovered the other day. It's looking fantastic, Dan..... if you have moment check it out. 

Look even my quilting gloves match the quilt.....a little fussy are we???

The quilt is so easy to maneuver this way.....the walking foot is all I need.  Also because I can stitch right off the edge, that means very few starts in the middle of the quilt to deal with. I shorten my stitch length as I get to the edge to keep everything secure...I'm a bit of a worrier (actually my kids will tell you I have a  permanent worry line between my husband got the grey hair, what can I say??)

 A quilting close up.

Another close up.

As you can see, my quilt is still in sections.

Here is the  back.....I have a thing for nice quilting on the back.

Not only is it still in sections, but half of it isn't pieced yet.......but look at the interesting strip sets I found in my fabric bins. Hmm, I wonder what's next???


  1. I just love the looks of these bits and pieces photos. I hope you'll be showing the entire quilt soon. I love the ease in which "drawing" can be done with this QAYG process.

  2. It's so cool to watch this develop! How do you decide what to put where? I especially like those orange and black stripes on the left side, by the way.

  3. I love how this is turning out. Your work is a constant source of inspiration. It's funny that I think our quilts are very different, but whenever I need a spark of an idea, your blog is a good bet!

  4. Have been following for a while, and not only do I love your quilts, but am kicking myself for having so many projects in the WIP bin that are not suited for or too far along for QAYG. Seeing what you do has convinced me I must try this next!

  5. It is so nice to see the quilting. A quilt is not finished in my mind until it has LOTS of lovely stitching added.

  6. One of my fave parts of QAYG is how beautiful the back is. I never had nicer backs on any of the previous quilts I made.

  7. I am loving how this quilt is turning out. I really like your unique style and am currently following your tutorial. Colors scare me though.

  8. I'm a Newbie on the QAYG method, but I'm in the process of giving it a go.

    I had a quilt top (65x72...something like that) all pieced and ready to quilt. First of all, I don't like making large quilts. Actually, I like the piecing part...I hate the quilting part. Too hard to handle :(
    Anyway, I got it sandwiched and started to quilt. I was doing OK until I noticed my backing was all puckered!!!! I had made the mistake of using basting spray and it didn't leave it any room to "shift" properly. What a mess!!! I set it aside for a few days because I didn't know what to do with it (besides frog or forget the whole thing) until I remembered your blog. I cut it into 4 sections and each section had partial quilting on it so I could continue from there. I've finished quilting 3 sections and the 4th section is the worst for the puckering. I'm going to frog it and go from there then I'm going to QAYG it back together.

    I think it'll be a more interesting quilt when it's done :)

  9. Hi Colleen, so glad the quilt got "rescued" with good old QAYG.

  10. omg That is SO BEAUTIFUL!

    please link up at WIP Wednedsay
    It's a link party for creative fibre Canadian bloggers...

    : )

    (Elle told me to find you)

    ~Monika in Saskatoon


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