
Thursday, October 13, 2011

QAYG Reverse Applique

I spent the afternoon playing around with a little QAYG Reverse Applique. I'm quilting and appliqueing in one step. 

I'm not sure how I want to treat the edges. I plan to do one of the following:
  • Leave the edges raw
  • Zig Zag with contrasting thread
  • Zig Zag with navy thread
I've done a bit of each on this sample block. My plan is to wash the block and see which finish I prefer.

I like cutting 20 inch wide strips of batting......all ready for any QAYG projects I might have on the go.


  1. oh your reverse appliqué is so lovely! Very cool!

  2. Oh now , this is way COOL!!! You are just so talented to come up with this stuff. Hugs

  3. What a great idea! I look forward to seeing the washing results.

  4. So clever! Your ingenuity amazes me.

  5. Is that denim?? Wow, fantastic! I can't wait to see what this looks like when you take it out of the dryer!

  6. I love it! The ideea, the design, the fabrics. Can't wait to see what you decide. I'd take out the zig zag in constast, probably no finish at all would be my favorite, but I'm sure I'll love it anyway :)

  7. You are amazing! You come up with the coolest projects and techniques!

  8. This is looking really, really fun!

  9. Last night, I sketched out a quilt, it has a circular design, kinda like yours but different. The colors are whites on the outside corners, with a spiral that starts out with yellows, then transitions to oranges, reds, copper, brown, and the middle is a black puzzle piece that will be appliqued on. I want it to include a dragon or monster, but not sure how to incorporate that element. It is nice to see that someone else has a similar idea so I don't feel alone.


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