
Friday, October 7, 2011

Thankfully Out of Control or Where Are My Friends When I Need Them

It's Thanksgiving Weekend here in Canada and I'm so thankful for the following:
  • Jessica and Jeff are in from Montreal for the weekend
  • A sweet little 18 month old, with big blue eyes, is having a sleepover with us tonight....and did I mention she has dimples and wears pigtails!!!
  • My mom, all my kids and my two adorable granddaughters will be having turkey dinner with us on Sunday
  • My husband, Jessica and Jeff will be doing all the cooking
  • Soooo very thankful that my husband doesn't read my blog
  • Last but not least....thankfully I'm still out of control in the fabric world. That would be why I'm thankful that my husband doesn't read my blog.
About this last "little" acquisition I was with a friend........I asked fellow BLOCKHEAD "Why aren't you stopping me???" She just replied "When did that ever help?" Then she just wandered off and left me to me to my own devices.....what kind of friend would do that???

Lynne over at Lily's Quilts likes to carry around her new fabrics around for a day or two (we understand) but I'm afraid I'd keel over if I tried carrying this bunch around.

All You fellow Canadians...Happy Thanksgiving.


  1. It's hard to tell because there isn't much scale in those pictures but it sure looks like you have some serious yardage there! Gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you are up to next :)

  2. well, what are these treats? they look like the grunge semisolids, but better.

    also? you and i probably should never shop together.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you Marianne and many blessings on you and your family. I also love your new purchase :):) hugs-- sandie

  4. These fabrics are gorgeous...I can almost see your head spinning with ideas for these lovelies! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

  5. That's a LOT of Grunge! SO much FUN!!

  6. I wouldn't have been any help either...I'd be next to you with a similar stack! Nice haul! Happy Thanksgiving.

  7. LOL, i'd be thankful too for someone else doing the cooking! Enjoy your weekend.

  8. Wow! That is some serious stash.
    Whenever I have made a guilty purchase IF I get asked about it I just say it is something I have had for ages and thankfully there is no way of telling if that is true or not!

  9. Marianne ~ I had to show my husband your post today,
    Because he thinks I'm out of control with my fabrics.
    I had to prove to him that I'm not!! Thanks for sharing your new purchase, cause when the mailman comes today mine won't look so bad!
    Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy our family :)

  10. Looks like you have a busy, fun, family weekend ahead of you - enjoy.
    Oh Lord that is a serious fabric acquisition and it looks amazing. We will all be waiting impatiently to see what wonders you create with it. en

  11. Wonderful, I am sure you will make something interesting with those soon!. Last time I was at the fabric store (earlier this week) I came home with two bolts, and that was not all, so you're good, just don't shop with me.

  12. Happy Thanksgiving to you! I look forward to the day when someone else does all the cooking while I stroke my new fabrics. I can honestly say I've never bought yardage like that. You are an inspiration.

  13. YOU HAVE NO FEAR!!! Laughing my head off over here at the fabric mountain you bought - and I love that one of the commenters showed your blog to her husband to make her look better - just hilarious!

  14. This looks like a reasonable amount of fabric to me. You will make it into something splendiferous. All masterpieces start with a pile of raw materials. On this Thanksgiving Day, we all are thankful that you share your art with us on your blog.

  15. Thanks glad someone thinks this is a reasonable amount. Thanks for your lovely comment.


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