
Friday, December 16, 2011

The Pros and Cons of Blogging....My first year

It's official I've been blogging for exactly one year....time to take inventory. I remember how fearful I was pushing the publish button, for my first post. If it hadn't been for Lynne of Lily's Quilts I might never have...she gave me the nudge I needed. To think I might have missed out on this thanks again Lynne.

  • I have found a wonderful sense of community......when everyone else gets tired of the quilt talk, somehow you guys never do.
  • I'm quilting more...seriously my production is up, at least the starts are, I'm not so sure about the finishes.  No, actually I think they are up as well.
  • It's like having a journal, of my quilt life...I've never been able to stick to keeping a journal for more than a week or two, at a time. A whole year and close to 200 posts, it's exhilarating
  • New friends...from all over the world, including, my own city.
  • I'm more motivated to push myself artistically...I love showing you my work and you help motivate me to continue on.
  • Most of all I'm still amazed that you read and comment...and all your comments are so supportive and positive and best of all you often make me laugh...fall off my chair laughing.
  • So happy to say, there is nothing, under the cons list. Seriously you've all been so wonderful.
Am I up for another year?? bet I am. Have I felt pressure, keeping up with it??...I can honestly say no. The pleasure far outweighs the work.  

Thank you for letting me share a piece of my life with you.  From my the silliness, to the fabric addiction, to the artistic endeavors and back again.

I know many of you, do give aways, for occasions, such as this, but I thought I would follow Leanne's (She Can Quilt) lead and make a donation to my favourite charity instead. One of my favorite Charities is World Vision....I'll be calling them next week, to sponsor a child, in celebration of one year of blogging.

And because I can't have a post without some pictures, here is my finished baby quilt....that I started late, yesterday afternoon. 

 Bound and washed!!

Whoops, I photographed the giraffes upside down. Time to get back to some more adult type projects, although the kids stuff has been fun.


  1. It has been wonderful following your blog. I look forward to another year of seeing your works. It's great being able to watch your quilts grow from an idea to the finish (or close to it lol). What a special way to celebrate your 1 year of blogging by sponsoring a child - bless you. Have a very Merry Christmas!

  2. I cannot believe it has been a whole year! Really? Congrats on being such a wonderful and natural blogger. I always feel like the two quilters out there who are the most inspirational are you and Dan and I always love seeing what new combinations of stripes and solids you come up with and how much you actually buy in one trip to the LQS lol. Have a fab Xmas and New Year and see you around blogland. XXX

  3. I would have to agree with all your pros too! I started blogging a year ago and like you, feel I have my own little quilting community....I didn't quite have that before my blog...great post Marianne!!

  4. Hurray and congratulations! I look forward to all your blog posts and find so much inspiration. Oh, but 200 posts? Now I feel like a blogging schlump!

  5. Ah Lynne - she has a lot to answer for hasn't she - but it's all good - congratulations on your anniversary and thanks for all that you share and inspire us with
    Enjoy your Christmas with family and loved ones, warmest blessings

  6. Congratulations on your blog anniversary. What a special way to celebrate. Thanks for continuing to inspire me with your posts and projects.

  7. Your blog posts have always inspired me so much - I love your quilting style and your great eye for color. Thank you for teaching me to QAYG. I (too) have quilt tops that are finished but I never got around to quilting, and I have been taking them apart so I can put them back together using the quilt as I go method!!! LOL LOL LOL

    (the pillows and mattresses on the doll beds are way too cool)

    Happy holidays!

  8. I am a new blogger and still finding my way with quilting (although I have been quilting for many years), so, I am pleased to read your comments about blogging in general. I think your work is simply amazing. Thank you for a beautiful view of your work...Julierose

  9. Wow, so impressive! 200 posts in one year, and 280-something followers! I really enjoy reading your posts, and am thankful for all that you share with us! I would have to agree that keeping my blog journal up has motivated me to try new and creative things, now to find some followers...;) :) ;) :)

  10. Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Thanks for sharing your amazing quilting process with us. Your are truly an inspiration. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

  11. Congratulations, it has been a year of inspiring blogging! And such a wonderful way to celebrate! I look forward to reading your quilting adventures for years to come! And that quilt is very cute!

  12. I am so happy you decided to try blogging. Your work is inspiring and beautiful. I agree it is the easiest way to keep a journal of events and projects.

  13. Congrats on blogging for a year!!!! I think my blogging experience wouldn't be the same without you in it!!! Many hugs

  14. Congratulations! I am coming up on my 1 year and think I will borrow your way of celebrating. I really like your baby quilt, too.

  15. I'm so happy that I found your wonderful blog :)
    You inspire me, more than you'll ever know, so for that I want to Thank You! Congratulations ~ keep up the wonderful work!
    Happy Quilting in 2012!

  16. Congratulations! You are an inspiration...

  17. I always enjoy visiting your blog and it has been a little over a year since I started blogging about quilting and like you said there are so many pros about having a blog. Your work is so inspirational!

  18. I love your quilting style and fabric choices. It always inspires me to try something different. If only time wasn't in the way! ;-) Congrats, can't wait to keep reading in 2012

  19. Congratulations on a year of blogging! My one year anniversary is around the corner - you've been a big inspiration and I can hardly wait for what's next!

  20. I'm so glad you decided to continue blogging. I always look forward to your posts. You are my inspiration. I love your style and the work you do, so I hope you don't mind when I try to copy your beautiful quilts.

  21. Congratulations on your first year! I'm glad I found your blog. I see you are still slowly making your quilts, this one took nearly a whole day? You are really slowing down, must be spending too much time blogging, heheh. I'll be sticking around to see what you come up with for the coming year.

  22. Congratulations on your first year of blogging! I'm so happy to be able to stop by here and see what amazing quilts you've been making. Looking forward to next year too :)

  23. congrats on completing your first year blogging. i really like your baby quilt, especially the black contrast, it really makes the yellow pop.

  24. Gee, from the comments, there must have been quite a blump in blogland about a year ago. I started then too. I have to agree with your pro-list. My girls said, what?, you started a blog? That's so yesterday. No one blogs anymore. That was a year ago. Well, none of them blog or ever did, so they don't know the good that comes from it. They're nice girls, but they don't always know what they're talking about.

  25. I have only just found your great blog and have spent a happy 3 hours reading what you have done this year - please keep it up in 2012 - you have inspired me to have a go at a wonky pieced quitlet!!

  26. Love your blog and your work, as you know. Amazing how time flies: I've been blogging for 7-1/2 years and it has flown. It has also enriched my life, as it has yours. Keep at it!


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