
Saturday, March 31, 2012

Reconsidering Pinterest

After an interesting read, on Copyright issues, by Leah, of the Free Motion Quilting Project, I found myself reconsidering Pinterest. I'm all for the sharing of ideas and have long since found it ludicrous in the quilting world that so many quilters want to copyright methods, patterns and blocks that have been around for years. Also, Pinterest has changed some of their terms. 

I will cautiously dip my toes back into the Pinterest waters. I found Leah's article a great read.  So, in the interest of sharing ideas, I'm removing the code which stops pinning from my blog and will again, allow my Flickr photos to be pinned.

And because no blog post is complete without a few pics....
Here's a little bit of fabric that is trying to tempt me away from my current project.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Block Eight

Still working on the Oakshott Cotton project.
Block Eight
It's hard to capture the luminous sheen on these lovely shot cottons.
Eight Blocks Completed....four more to go.
Quilt Back

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Improvising....Just Another Word for Making It Up As I Go Along

Making it up as I go along is what I do best...or should I say, enjoy the most. I loose interest if I know exactly what the end result will look like.

 To sum it up, my lazy gene doesn't like to plan and my short attention span doesn't like to stay within the confines, of a plan. 

So Improvising it is...sounds much better than making it up as I go along. 

Here's me making it up as I go along improvising.....never knowing exactly what it's going to look like. 
Block Seven of the Oakshott Project  
 And a few shots of the backs. 

Friday, March 23, 2012

March Block for Free Bee/High Impact with Minimal Difficulty

For the month of March, Krista of Spotted Stones  asked us to make a curvy strip, made up of wedges, using Sherri Lynn Wood's amazing tutorial, for her Mod Mood Quilt. 

Trust me, these blocks are highly addictive. Putting these curvy strips together is really quite simple...yet so very effective. 

My strip grew very quickly.
Before I knew it, I was starting another one.
The ease of the project, probably ends here.....putting all these curvy strips together  probably comes with it's share of challenges. 

I'll leave that to Krista, since these curvy strips will be mailed out for her to deal with.

I really enjoyed making these and I'm sure there will be a project or two, using this method, in the near future.
Block Detail 
Block Detail

Look What's On My Design Wall/Free Bee Blocks

Almost all of the Free Bee blocks for February have arrived. 

Going to the mailbox on a daily basis has been rather exciting (remember this is my first bee, ever). 
Are you seeing a theme here? Have you ever seen so much talent on one design wall?

They are hanging right above my sewing machine, so I can look gaze at them, as I'm working on other projects.  I'm letting them simmer so to speak.

The blocks are spectacular! I'm so thankful for all the work everyone has put into their block.

Now, off to make my March block for Krista.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

It Felt Just Like My Birthday.....

It felt just like my birthday....when the delivery man rang my doorbell!

Colourbox from Oakshott

Whoops it is my more year until I hit a really big number.
 I was needing a good distraction!!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Block Six Completed!!

Block six is done and the project is officially, on hold, 
until the ColourBox arrives.....

Maybe I should sit on the front step and wait. 

I probably have enough fabric to continue, but that ColourBox is going to give me a few many more motto is, the more colours the better.

Block six under construction....many of these pictures are being taken at night, so the colours aren't as true as I would like. 
Block Six completed.
Here are the six,completed blocks.

In the meantime, I'll start working on the Free Bee Block for March. 

Monday, March 19, 2012

I Let the Fabric Talk to Me

So, just what are these shot cottons saying??

First of all, if you would like a little more understanding about shot cottons, take a wander over to the Oakshott Fabric won't be disappointed.  Under the heading, About Our Fabrics, Julia Oakshott has a lovely video telling us all about the ins and outs, or should I say the warp and the weft of these lustrous, handwoven fabrics. I found it fascinating. Julia is very personable and also gives a little background history, of the company. 

I have been using shot cottons for a number of years but find that the Oakshott  Cottons are more luminous than the Kaffe Fassett ones, I have used in the past. They almost look like silk.....

Shot Cottons:
  • Are woven with two colours of thread, one for the warp and one for the weft, giving them a beautiful depth of colour, also making it easier to put colours together.....there is sort of a magical blending that happens.
  • Are the same on both sides...which can be advantageous for quilters.
  • Ravel beautifully because of the weave.
  • Have more give to them than printed fabrics.
  • Are fairly thin and lightweight.
My philosophy is to work with your fabric not against other words let it talk to you. There are so many different methods of doing things, in our quilting world, I find it's very helpful to find the best method, for the fabric you are working with. 

Below are some examples:

  • The give in shot cottons fabric or slightly stretchy quality is advantageous when piecing curves.
  • Reverse Appliques works wonderfully because the fabric is light weight and ravels so beautifully.

  • Multiple layers are no problem with the shot cottons, because they are so light weight. I actually find the applique strips, that I am using for this particular project, add texture and almost mimic the texture of the fabric. The needle sews through this stuff like butter.
  • I have heard of quilters having difficulty when it comes to the quilting part....not with the needle going through, but the give or stretch of the fabric being problematic, especially on a very large quilt.
  • My answer to that is Quilt As You Go (QAYG) of course. This method gives me so much more control.
Tip: A little spray starch in the initial pressing, of the fabric, goes a long way to adding stability. As an aside, I'm too lazy to pre-wash the rate I buy fabric, I'd never get my head out of the washing machine.

Note: In the examples above, I have mixed some regular shot cottons, from my stash, with the Oakshott cottons with no problems, but they seem a little lack luster in comparison.

Personally, I love working with shot cottons and am thrilled, to have found the Oakshott cottons. The more I work with them, the more ideas, start coming to mind.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

One Good Circle Deserves Another

As you can see I am hopelessly addicted to this project, not to mention the Oakshott Cottons. Can you handle another block? I can't just have one block, with a circle in it, now can I? So you guessed it, right back at it.

A little curved piecing....look Ma, no Pins. 

If you are wondering how, check out Leanne's Tutorial. Leanne from She Can Quilt has put together the most helpful little video.

I've even taken to having my ipad, beside my sewing machine, so I can respond to all your fantastic comments, as I'm sewing....Okay, I'm not actually emailing and quilting at the same time.  It's feels like I've got some quilting buddies sewing right along with me.

Whoops a little wonky quilting....probably laughing at something silly someone emailed me, since we quilters do love to laugh.

Yes, another block completed.

 And, you are not going to believe it, between all that, I managed to  order this. The Colourbox from Oaksott fabrics.....There are ONE HUNDRED fat eights, I repeat ONE HUNDRED. 


Of course, you all know, I'm not sorry at all.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Alright, Enough Already...

After coming up for air earlier today....and a lovely meal, compliments of my husband, back I went. 

I can never leave well enough alone.....I added a circle, and there will be more.

Eight More to Go
But not tonight....step away from the machine!!!

Time to Come Up For Air

So so addictive....It's time to come up for air, a shower and some food would be nice as well. 
Block three under construction.

I am planning a post next week, some time, on the ins and outs of working with shot cottons.

Just Getting Started with the Oakshott Cottons

I finally had a little time to play, with these delicious Oakshott Cottons.  

It probably comes as no surprise that I'm going with an Improvisational QAYG type of project. This is just the beginning....I'll keep you posted.
I think I'm drunk on colour! What  a way to spend a day!  I just realized it's after 3 pm and I haven't had my lunch yet.....hmm, that doesn't happen very often.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Who Does This to a Colour Junkie ???

There are 83 colours in this Oakshott  Samples Charmpack.  Now I ask you....don't they know what that does to us colour Junkies!!!
Help I can't stop....I haven't even unpacked my suitcase yet. There really should be a warning, somewhere on the package, of these delicious fabrics. 

Thanks to Lynne  that suitcase won't be getting unpacked anytime soon.