Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Block Six Completed!!

Block six is done and the project is officially, on hold, 
until the ColourBox arrives.....

Maybe I should sit on the front step and wait. 

I probably have enough fabric to continue, but that ColourBox is going to give me a few many more choices.....my motto is, the more colours the better.

Block six under construction....many of these pictures are being taken at night, so the colours aren't as true as I would like. 
Block Six completed.
Here are the six,completed blocks.

In the meantime, I'll start working on the Free Bee Block for March. 


  1. All I can say is 'Wow'. The blocks are amazing. Mal

  2. Your blocks are fantastic! I am seriously tempted to buy one of those boxes myself. I am 1.2 lb away from a 20-lb loss and that might just be my reward.

  3. Those blocks look beautiful! Oh how easy you make everything look!

  4. you are just amazing. that is all.

  5. Wonderful blocks, and thanks for all the hints yesterday too, it is hard to keep up with you in this fit of inspiration!

  6. These color combinations are breathtaking!

  7. The addition of that half circle block was sheer genius. It contributes to the repetition of the circle motif, but is so much more interesting than another full circle. It helps move my eye across the surface. Way to go!!! Another great block. Hugs.

    1. Thanks so much Diane...I love that sheer genius part...

  8. Totally yummy colors! Totally inspiring work!

  9. Hi Marianne,

    Your quilting is just amazing! I love your use of brilliant colors...or "colours", as you say. I would be waiting on the steps for the mail man, too, if I had ordered that wonderful selection.

    Thanks for your comments & support of my take on Pinterest. It is most appreciated!


    1. Thanks so much Rett, I can hardly wait until they arrive.

      Until a few things change with Pinterest I'm hold this position as well.

      I'm replying here as you are set at no-reply.

  10. OH OH....I'm reeling, I'm swooning!!


  11. Wow Marianne ~ these are so pretty!

  12. Oops sorry for the second post, but, i just want to know if you used the Go cutter to do the circle?

  13. All the blocks are wonderful. Looking forward to seeing the rest.


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