
Monday, April 23, 2012

Silly Me...Lucky You or My first Give Away

I was so excited when the book Quilting Modern by  Jacquie Gering and Katie Pederson came out, I did what any good quilter would do......I pre-ordered, not just once, but twice. (I'm sure this never happens to any of you.) So guess who has an extra copy of this fabulous book?? You guessed right. So I'm going to do what any good blogger would do...I'm going to share it with you.
 If you want to try your hand at improvisational type quilting....this is the book for you. Some of the books I pre-order are a little disappointing when I receive them....NOT THIS ONE. The quilts are stunning and the workmanship is exemplary. And the quilting...ah the quilting is exquisite. A number of the quilts are quilted by the extremely talented Angela Walters.

But this is not just a book full of quilt eye-candy but numerous techniques with clear, well written instructions to go along.

If you would like to receive a copy of QUILTING MODERN, just leave me a comment on today's post, sharing what modern quilting means to you. I would love to hear your thoughts. I'll pick the winner on May 1st.
Note: If you are a no-reply or anonymous commenter please leave me your email address so I can contact you if you win.

 Meanwhile, I'm working on the last two blocks of the Oakshott Project.


  1. My anxiety over improvisational quilting has kept me from starting! I am a big fan of Jacquie's technique and would love to win this book. Thanks for accidentally buying two!

  2. I would love to win this book - it's on my wish list to own. Modern design and improvisational quilting to me is kind of a shared journey in the creation with a bit of evolution along the way. I'm not sure where it's headed when I begin and going with the flow is encouraged rather than trying to force it in one direction. Hope that makes sense!

  3. Modern quilting is thinking outside of the box. Blocks don't need to match. Applique wherever you want. Don't like it? Cut it up and use it in another quilt. Modern quilting is a step into the future.

  4. To me "modern quilting" is bridging the space between traditional quilts and art quilts. Not following precise templates or patterns, but improvising as you go, freeing up your inhibitions to create... Would love to win the book!

  5. Modern quilting? = anything goes. I hate following "rules".

    This book looks awesome. I have stopped buying quilt books because I haven't been finding them too inspirational, and this looks like it doesn't fall into that category!

  6. Wow. Your first giveaway..wonderful news. MHO Modern quilting is no rules. A wonderful thing.

  7. Modern quilting is almost like getting a "get out of jail free" card in Monopoly. You don't have to worry that you broke the rules!

  8. My 3 favorite things about quilting are color, color, color. I also really love geometric design. Designing and piecing quilts are 2 of my favorite things to do. Its the thing about my life I look forward to most. I would like to learn to do more of my own quilting, especially on small pieces. What I enjoy about what I have been seeing on your blog, are solids. Their clean, graphic quality is just such an intriguing look. The colors show through in such a different way in the absence of printed fabrics. I love printed fabrics too, but using only solids makes such a different kind of impact. I am currently working on an all solid quilt myself, now. Best to you,

  9. Modern quilting is graphic designs, often improvised, with fabulous, unexpected color combinations. Fun!

    :) Linda

  10. Modern quilting is thinking outside the box and creating something that is unique and your very own. Would love to win the book!!

  11. I don't know what modern quilting is but I know it when I see it! I think it means less precision and more improvisation, basically. Love your blog and I actually made a quilt using your quilt as you go techniques. I too am disappointed sometimes with new books, but this one looks great and would love to win it.

  12. I've been eagerly anticipating this book and would love to win a copy. Thanks for the chance!

    Modern quilting is a fresh aesthetic that embraces bold, graphic designs, vibrant colours, and plays with negative space. It's also a movement that is connected through the internet with blogs, Flickr and much more. I love it!

  13. At 68 yrs (young, I hope), and after many years of traditional quilting--just for grandchildren and family friends, I am feeling a conflict--a duality in my thoughts, about "modern quilting". I really have a hard time moving away from things like traditional log cabins for instance--altho' I do not really preplan anything except maybe the centers as a theme. I would like to try QAYG methods and use a more streamlined effect--if you can call this modern or a Mondrian-look....solid colors seem very difficult for me to use...I love the graphic look of these quilts. Julierose

  14. To me, modern quilting is about doing your own thing, no rules, breaking out, having fun, just doing what ever it is you want to do :)
    Your last blocks are looking mighty fine!

  15. I started following you because of 'quilt as you go'! It just makes sense to me. But it isn't traditional. I think traditional is following patterns, techniques, traditions. :) So modern is following ones own sensibilities. I began with solids and felt like the odd man (gal) out. Now I'm following you to the Oakshot site and back to my first luv. LOL I'm free but I'm not as free as I want to be. Thanks for sharing your book and your sensibilities!

  16. Modern Quilting is great design, planned or improvisational! I love it. Thank you for an opportunity to win a copy of this great book.

  17. I like modern quilting because there is a clean, crispness to the designs. But, they also feel spontaneous.

  18. Just found your blog through pinterest. Love your work!! To me, modern quiltmaking is saying goodbye to the quilt police and working more intuitavely with graphic prints.

  19. I would love to win a copy of the book. Modern quilting to me is an attitude - a let's see what happens when I do this, and what if I put these colours together? It's giving yourself the freedom to try something different - it's great fun!

  20. It's so great when people order double and share with everyone else!! thanks... as a new quilter modern is experimenting with different techniques and shapes and colours as opposed to being entirely traditional.... the words "this is the proper way" don't exist in modern (in my view) ....

  21. We don't even want to start talking about me and ordering books! I think I'm obsessed!! Modern quilting is both a challenge and a liberation to me. I'm just dipping my toes into it and am finding it exhilarating. Love the freedom that comes with the modern label. The quilting on the front of this book is quite wonderful. Thanks for sharing your oops!

  22. Thanks for sharing! I feel like modern quilting is about embracing more contemporary colors, using more negative space and solids, and thinking beyond the traditional block; all while reflecting an awareness of todays trends in design and art in general. I also think a lot of modern quilts are meant to be used as functional objects (not art quilts) while also adding to the decor of a room.

  23. Modern quilting to me is using solid kona and shot cottons. I have made some improv quilts, but not many. I would love to win this book and get on track with modern quilt blocks.

  24. I love your Oakshot blocks! Modern quilting has more freedom, more improv, more negative space.

  25. Ha! I completely understand what you did with the double pre-ordering - I might just have two of Marti Michell's kaleidoscope rulers. To be honest, I think "modern quilting" is just what we are doing today, and it will likely all look very dated to our children and grandchildren - who will be doing their own version of modern quilting. I find the rejection of the traditions of quilting (i.e., references to quilt police, "not your granny's quilt", celebration of no-rules) to be a lack of understanding that we are just doing in our generation what our grandmothers did in theirs. What is truly different is the internet and its role in building community around quilts - but then, our grandmothers did that, too, in their own way.

  26. Today's modern quilting to me is just a different spin on things. I'm guessing earlier generations thought their particular form of quilting was quite "modern" or whatever their word of the time was. I have to think that today's modern quilting will be tomorrow's not so fashionable, although the style may be referred to as modern in the same way we refer to depression era quilts, etc. (And if it makes you feel any better, I've bought the same fabric twice because I loved it and thought it would be great for borders--3 yards each time--only to be surprised when I put it away--now I'm thinking it's a 6 yard backing, but a giveaway is a great solution!)

  27. Modern Quilting has roots in tradition, has a bold and graphic feel, simplicity meets improvisation. Looks like a good book.

  28. I agree with a couple of the other comments, that Modern Quilting gives you the freedom to create your design with NO RULES. Thank You for the giveaway !!

  29. Modern quilting is clean, fresh, uncluttered. I have this book on a wish list but would love to win it. I love Jacquie's style. I love your quilts too, especially the one you are working on now.

  30. To me, modern quilting is anything that wouldn't represent traditional quilting. Thanx for the chance.

  31. Thanks for sharing your oops with us! Modern Quilting, to me, is a mindset. An approach that embraces experimentation and improvisation; that happily combines the traditional and the contemporary to make something fresh and new. It’s an openness to new ways of expressing one’s creativity. I’d also say that Modern Quilting and technology are very closely married, especially as it relates to the online Modern Quilting community.

  32. Modern quilting to me would be not following a pattern. It is thinking outside of the box. Applying old ideas in new ways. Tossing the rules out, and making them up as you go along. And yes, I have double (bought)ordered before. This only seems to happen when I really, really want something!

  33. I don't have strong opinions on modern quilting, but I agree with some of the previous comments that it's a contemporary version of traditional quiltmaking. What I see is a lot of white and a lot of solids. I'd love to own a copy of the book. thanks for the chance to win.

  34. Modern quilting, to me, is sometimes using old patterns and redesigning them with clean clear lines and lots of colour. The clean clear lines and lots of colour is always present though.
    Shaz@Alsha's Space

  35. Improvisational quilting scares me silly. Fortunately there are clever people around, yourself included, that can guide the modern quilters of today.

  36. Modern quilting for me is freedom to let imagination and creativity loose! I can put to fabric anything I choose. If I can imagine it, I can stitch it.

  37. I would love to win this book - it's on my wish list to own.
    I love your Oakshot blocks!And I love your blog...
    Thanx for the chance.

  38. Modern quilting is a full expression of what you are as a human being. It's not about following a certain style or using a particular color scheme. It's all about imagining something and expressing your idea with fabric and thread.

  39. Modern quilting to me means freedom to use colours and freedom to stitch as there are little rules but endless possibilities. Thank you for sharing you purchases with us !

  40. The definition of modern quilting changes from day to day! Your style shows and even your emotion can show. Especially with improve quilts, your color choice and even your cuts can make a quilt go dynamic or soft and flowing! Flexibility!!

  41. Quilting in times past was a way of making ends meet, using scraps to make useful, functional objects for thehome while still striving to create art and beauty. Modern quilting carries on the traditions of the craft, but reflects the changes to modern society (both positive and less positive changes). Quilters continue to strive to create art and beauty, and challenge themselves to find new techniques which express an evolving society.

  42. Thanks for a chance to win this want-to-have book!
    Giving a definition of modern quilting is one of the hardest things to do. Is it working with modern prints, or is it making up your own modified designs using traditional patterns, is it working with solids, or making improv blocks, or is it the wonkyness in quilts? I’m not sure. I’m sure you need a basic knowledge of the quilting techniques to make a modern/modified quilt. In Holland modern quilting is often confused with Art-quilting, but I think it should be something in between traditional and art, made in total freedom, using bolder (graphic) designs and an amazing colour scheme holding on to the use of light, medium and dark for the best result! And... less is more!
    (sorry for my blattering...)

  43. My definition for modern is using more solids with a wide range of a background fabric for lots of FMQ...which I am learning.....but since I know there is more to it would love a copy of this awesome book....

  44. Looks like a great book.
    I have been quilting for several years but being introduced and exposed to modern quilting through blogging has opened up new horizons and re-energised my enthusiasm. I love the new fabrics, the improvised methods and the feeling that I want to try it all.

  45. Modern quilts I love everything about it. I read your great blog very happy, although my English is not good. Nevertheless I try my luck here and I want to thank you for the wonderful inspiration and guidance.
    Best regards


  46. No way, I just blogged about this book too. I absolutely love it, my favorite quilting book at the moment. Really worth every penny. What a coincidence that you would write about it at the same time..

  47. For me modern quilting is letting yourself be inspired by the past and the present, to think anew without any rules.

    Thank you for sharing your inspirational projects with us. I enjoy them daily.

  48. I have been a traditional quilter for years but I am itching to do more modern quilting. I have done some but really want to try improv quilting and have no idea where to start. This book looks like it would be a good resource and push me into deeper water!

  49. Sewing and quilting are always in my mind as are ideas that ping pong around in my head! I'm sure I am not alone in that. I love looking at what others are doing, lots of great talent around. This includes your blog which I think is great. Would love to add this book to my little library collection.

  50. Modern Quilting means to me
    bright colours an straight patterns.
    There are so manny wonderful quilts to find in web

    Many greetings from Germany, Monika

  51. I don't honestly know what Modern Quilting is. Are we complicating the definition of quilting by adding a new title to an already existing style of quilting?

    Improvisational piecing has been around a good long time, but without good elements of design, it can be just a mess of fabrics sewn together with no line, form or vision. Done right, it's art.

    I hope I win this book so I can better get a grasp on this movement, because as of now, I'm pretty clueless.

    Thank-you so much for offering your readers an opportunity to win your extra book. Hugs. Diane

  52. Isn't that the million dollar question!!

    Take a pattern and create it in red, black and brown using small floral prints then take the same pattern and create it in orange, turquoise and grey. Which one is modern? Both created with newly designed and printed fabrics, both using the same pattern but one is considered more modern than the other. Personally I prefer the orange, turquoise and grey but isn't that a matter of taste? Orange and turquoise were used heavily in the 60's and 70's so they're not exactly modern either, unless you mean "Mod".

    In some way, I think this quilting resurgence is a case of "old is new again". Where's the twist? Where's the modern? Is it simply a matter of using bright fabrics? Unless your improvising, most if not all quilt blocks have been done and done again.

    I haven't answered any questions but please enter me in your giveaway!

  53. I think modern quilting is timeless, good design bringing color and pattern together. I'd love to win this book to help me achieve the look, since I think improvisational quilting takes a lot more work than it appears!

  54. One aspect of modern quilting is a move away from the calico prints of the past to the wide array of fabrics being designed today and an increased use of solids to create graphic, bold quilts. I would love to try more improvisational quilting and think this book would be a great inspiration. Thanks for offering it in a giveaway!

  55. I agree with Diane's comment above - the trick to improvisational piecing (which for me defines a part of Modern Quilting) is developing the line of vision through a piece. Anyone can improvisationally piece - it's the artist that makes it look more than a jumble of fabrics!

    I think another component to Modern Quilting is the use of larger expanses of open space in a quilt through color placement.

    I'd love to win the giveaway!

  56. Modern quilting - hmmmm... modern quilting is a way for people of all ages to connect and communicate across race, gender, class and ethnic lines, enabling all of us to value, appreciate, even exalt one another via the humble tools of fabric and stitch.

  57. Modern quilting to me is liberating. I can use any colors I want, cut any shapes I like and I can combine it all the way I find most pleasing.

    On a more personal level is has made me overcome a lot of my perfectionism. I have had lots of times where I simply could not sew anything because of fear of doing it *not-good-enough*. With modern quilting everything is my own decission, my own way of expressing. It is not work - it is pure play :-)
    I would love to win this book!!

  58. To me, Modern Quilting means to break out of the box when I begin a new project. Even if it's a pattern, I try to do something different with it. I'm a big fan of solids, so I use a lot of those with just a little spark of print sometimes. As a little aside, sometimes Modern Quilting means that I don't necessarily have to match my points. :)

  59. "Modern Quilting." It well, it helps me to "thrive" and be more creative... it doesn't just inspire, it is where I LIVE! I live in an area that is very traditional and conservative, but this kind of design, style and quilting is what makes my heart beat wildly! Thanks for the chance!

  60. Modern Quilting means a few things to being letting loose and not having a plan when beginning the project, another being using modern, flashy fabrics. I like to start out with an improv block and then just going wherever my mind wants to take it after that. I've been wishing for this book and will keep my fingers crossed! Thanks for the giveaway.
    ladara at cfl dot rr dot com

  61. I'd love to win your extra copy of "Quilting Modern". I've been trying to wrap my head around the "modern" part of quilting for a while now and perhaps this book would help. By the way, I absolutely love you Oakshot project. Thanks for the chance to win this lovely book.

  62. Thanks for making this available to all of us... :-). Modern quilting to me is clean lines sometimes simple sometimes not but always surprising and wonderful!

  63. I would love to win your extra copy of this book,thanks for your generosity. I just looked at the preview pages on Amazon and I can see lots of possibilities for my own quilting or as starting points for our group.

  64. Modern quilting: What's old is new. What's new was created recently. Simple.

    Sorry you bought the book twice. Thanks for your generosity!

    Love! your Oakshot quilt!!

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. You are so very generous to be giving this book away! I am such a huge fan of the authors! "FREEDOM!" is what modern quilting means to be. And improvisational quilting lets me feel free to create as I wish. It's meditative really!

  67. Life is so full of what you "have" to do and how you "have" to do things that modern quilting gives me the opportunity to do what i "want" to do. It takes you away from the stresses of rules and gives you freedom. To quote an old song, "I did it my way".
    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  68. Wow, what a great giveaway! I'd love to win this book! To me, modern quilting is bold, graphic, rules-free quilting.
    Nancy in Denver

  69. Modern quilting means freedom of expression. No one can really criticize your work because only you know if something wasn't quite right in the end. You're the only one who knows if you didn't achieve a certain goal. Thanks for the chance to win!

  70. Oh, I have been looking forward to Jaquie's book! That is a tough question. I think it's an appreciation of negative space, asymmetry, higher intensity color palettes, improvisational style piecing and design or reinterpretation of traditional blocks or styles. I'm enjoying reading the comments. This is a really interesting conversation in the quilting world. Thanks!

  71. I've done that! I'm a book lover and it's bound to happen when there are so many good ones being published!

    I think Modern Quilting is having respect for the past and traditional methods but with much more freedom of color, shape, and space. It is attracting a whole new generation of quilters and textile designers. It is quite exciting and very liberating.

  72. A bold, fun, exciting blending of old and new.

  73. I've been exploring what is now termed 'Modern Quilting' for a little while now. My website 'Gingham Leaf Designs' started out as a means of taking the fundamental tools of basic sewing and quilting to the next level: Letting the fabric and project chose it's own direction. This is a wonderful way not only to learn more about color and design, but more about yourself. Thanks for the opportunity to get a copy of this book.

  74. Modern quilting means breaking out of the traditional mold and taking bold chances - with color, with lines, with circles, with boxes. It means, for me, letting go of the safe way and exploring so many other visions! Thanks for making your gain our (possible) gain!
    Betty at

  75. Pick me! Pick me! I'd love to have this book. I'm finding myself quite drawn to the modern look. One of these days I'm going to have to just jump in and try it. Maybe this will help me get started.

  76. Modern quilting means to me bold fabrics and strong graphic design. To me technique and quality of workmanship are important as well as color choices.

  77. Modern quilting means that I'll never lose interest!

  78. Please please let me win the book - I would just love it!!

  79. I've just discovered your blog through Tallgrass Prairie Studio blog. And I've just spent all my blog reading time reading your old posts. You create beautiful pieces! Thank you for sharing!

    To me Modern Quilting is bold, rules-free and is reflective of its environment be it a person, place or emotion

  80. I was a traditional quilter for many years, but my interest had waned. Nothing was inspiring me until I discovered modern quilting through the many blogs out there. At first I didn't know it was called modern quilting. The quilts just appealed to me. I loved the use of negative space (even though I didn't know that that's what it was called!)
    and the new modern fabrics appealed to me. I would love to win your extra book. Thanks for the chance to win.

  81. I think modern quilting is an exciting movement and engaging a lot of fresh new thoughts, although in a lot of ways it is really a retro movement (thinking of Gee's Bend and other antique quilts). What seems to tether the old to the new is the use of timeless artistic elements such as negative space, balanced composition and color. The advantage to us over previous generations of quiltmakers is that modern quilting uses new tools and technology to make the quiltmaking process so much easier, instead of being a necessity, and the quilts seem to reflect the joy of the process.

    Thanks for sharing your "oops" with your followers!

  82. Modern quilting is about beautiful, unexpected design. It is about asymmetrical balance and modern color combinations.

  83. Modern quilting is about beautiful, unexpected design. It is about asymmetrical balance and modern color combinations.

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. Modern quilts are every day views in inspirational eye-catching, geometric bliss!

  86. I've been pondering this book for months, so I can easily understand how you ordered it twice.

    Modern quilting to me is expressing myself in fabric with inspiration from the past (my grandmother's quilts and time-tested patterns) and from the present (fabulous bright colors and unexpected color combinations). There's no right or wrong, and everything is a possibility.

  87. Modern quilting for me is happy quilting! It means the fabric is happy, the techniques are happy (whatever you feel like you want to do is fine), and the quilting-quilting part is happy (it's organic *on purpose*). hehe. I'm really glad that I got into quilting when there was a modern movement around. :D

  88. I think I can identify various aspects of modern quilting, but not exactly define it. Aspects of modern quilting include: bolder use of color; finding ways to play with traditional quilts patterns (add wonkiness, tweak dimensions, etc.); use of negative space; improvisational piecing. I have not been quilting long enough to play with all of these aspects of modern quilting, but I am enjoying the process of discovering my place within the quilting/modern quilting world! I would love to look through this book -- I know it is full of inspiration and could teach me a lot. Thank you for the chance to win!

  89. I think modern quilting is a free-form style, sort of no rules style quilting. It also appears to be more rectangles, squares, solid colors, and straight quilting, which all equals that more modern look. Reminds me of tall buildings.

  90. Ooooh, that looks like a terrific book! I love the way old fashioned patterns are revived in modern quilting and am following your Oakshot project. It's looking fantastic and can't wait to see it finished !!

  91. Modern quilting: clear, rich, color; sharp shapes and lines, unique combinations, lightness, punch, surprises.

  92. Tis a great blog. I read Tallgrass Prairie blog and she recommended this. Thanks for the giveaway.

  93. i agree with debbie read tallgrass daily so she recommended you i knew i would like your blog thanks for the generous giveaway.

  94. Modern quilting is quilting for joy. Combining techniques, fabrics and colors as desired. Less concern over extreme precision (a machine can do that) more thought on effect and inspiration. And, no quilt snobs or quilt police allowed!

  95. I would love to win this book! My favorite part of modern quilting is solids. They're so timeless...and yet, you can do so many new and interesting things with them.

  96. The book looks so interesting, thank you for the giveaway.
    As for modern quilting, what I'm mostly drawn to is the use of negative space and often asymmetrical designs, the experiments with shapes and colours, the use of solids, surprising combinations of prints...

  97. Came here from Jacquie's blog, and so glad I did! Your quilts are inspiring.
    I love to use solids in the improvisational style, it really is just playtime!
    Thanks for the nice give-away ;-)

  98. Thanks for the chance to win, this book is on my wish list! Modern quilts/quilting is a new look at the old and that can be fun!

  99. Modern quilting is the link between craft and art. Love it!

  100. Well, your oversight was a bit of serendipity for one of us!! Thanks for sharing your abundance :)

    Modern quilting is more than a style to me. The primitive quilts of the Mennonite, Amish and Gees Bend look like what we call modern now. To me modern is the new way of gathering and sharing and communicating. I learned all I know about quilting from blogs and tutorials and have nary a live quilting friend for miles. But I feel like I'm part of a large community and even though I'm a newbie, I feel very accepted.

  101. Modern quilting is the wonderful shapes and colors. I love all the different shapes and textures also, everything is so busy yet goes together wonderfully that your eyes just keep going over it again and again and you seem to always find something new you missed the last time you looked.

  102. This is the first time I'm visiting your blog. Love your Oakshott blocks. They're stunning.
    Modern quilting means ... colours, shapes, free form, unique, personal expression, going where the spirit takes you. Resulting in: beautiful, fresh, totally original creations.
    Thanks for the chance to win.
    Debbie R.

  103. looking to the past, but keeping my eye on the future. doing what makes me happy. using fabrics that sing...that is modern quilting to me.

  104. Modern Quilting to me means doing what works for you. Whatever colors speak to you and whatever inspires you.

  105. Modern Quilting means 'freeing' to me. Break some of the old school rules, have fun with color and shape. Thanks for offering your extra book!

  106. It's like the accountant said when asked what is 2+2. It's whatever you want it to be. It is fresh colors, nice balanced shapes and general aesthetic appeal.

  107. I love all the fun fabrics you can use with Modern much different than what I used to make. Thanks for the opportunity to win the book. Looks awesome.

  108. Great give-a-way! I would love to win this book as it would go nicely with the box oakshott cottons I ordered and now what to do with them. Lots of negative space who knew I liked lots of negative space until I was at a design class and one of the exercises was looking at quilts and what you liked about them. It really surprised me:)

  109. Well, I just happened by Prairie Grass Studios to check in, and heard about the book giveaway. I am a quilter, somewhat traditional, and also design my own patterns for fusible web.

    I LOVE the Modern Look, and the 'juice' it's given the quilting world. In some aspects, it's more traditional than the 'regular' stuff, because it's a pendulum swing back to the solids, and improv piecing, and 'making do'. With solid colors, the focus becomes the technical quilting aspect.

    It also invites a new generation to get excited all over again with the art. It's REJUVENATION.

    Thanks for a chance at this beautiful book.


  110. Modern quilting to me 'allows' you to put a spin on traditional quilting blocks. Different colour combinations, bold, minimalist, slightly 'off' and freedom to do what your heart desires with fabric!

  111. I love the freedom modern quilting gives me....freedom in mixing fabrics, solid fabric freedom....freedom in the quilt designs, no more traditional feathers! Yes, I still love traditional, but when I get bored, I head to modern! What a wonderful book to win. I'm sure hoping.

  112. Modern quilting is the rediscovery and remaking of an ancient art. I love functional forms of art that allow you to express your own creativity and still make something practical.

  113. Freedom and joy..that's what modern quilting means to me. Now pleeeease pick me :-)

  114. Modern quilting is freedom to create using old and new fabric and old and new ideas all blended together!


    1. P.S. My email is


  115. I'm just getting into modern quilting but after attending the Modern Guild and see Angela's quilting I am even more inspired to create, create, create.
    Thank You for the chance to win Angela's book.

  116. Modern quilting seems to be making quilts now! I love the freedom to quilting that is encouraged in the modern quilting world. Thank-you for sharing your extra book!

  117. I would love the book and would share with my daughter. We both were drawn to traditional blocks and then discovered how wonderful that tradition is made modern.

  118. Modern quilting is fresh! Either twist old rules to create something new or leave old rules behind all together. And all the lovely "blank space."

  119. I'm loving watching your oakshott project grow and would love to own the modern quilting book.

  120. Good modern quilting to me is like good modern dance - it takes a traditional form and strips it down to the essentials of color, fabric, and thread. I've been eying this book, and I'd love to win it!

    1. (I'm not sure if I'm a no-reply blogger, so: patchwork.progress @

  121. Those Oakshotts are beautiful! Love what you're working on.

    Modern quilting to me is a number of things: traditional blocks used in nontraditional ways or colors, architectural quilts, and certainly art quilts. I love it more and more all the time!

  122. First, your project looks great! I love Jacquie's work and recently finished a quilt for my friend who retired using her wonky block tutorial in her blog. Modern to me is lots and lots of squares and rectangles all put together in random placement? Thank u for the chance to win! Lisa in Texas

  123. Modern to me is freedom with a chance to be as creative in my work as I can be.

  124. I would love a chance to win this and am amused by its provenance - I just accidentally did the very same thing with Zakka Style! Fingers crossed as I reckon this book would be such inspiration! Modern to me is taking inspiration from the world, traditional quilting, nature, anywhere and making it your own unique quilt.

  125. I would love a chance to win this and am amused by its provenance - I just accidentally did the very same thing with Zakka Style! Fingers crossed as I reckon this book would be such inspiration! Modern to me is taking inspiration from the world, traditional quilting, nature, anywhere and making it your own unique quilt.

  126. Oh to own this lovely book would be a delight Which is what I feel whenever i learn something new from your blog. Thanks for all you do!

  127. Modern quilting is anything that does not look like "my grandmother's quilts". Sometimes it's just the colors that can make traditional designs look "modern".

  128. This book is on my wish list....Improv is not my friend, I'm too structured. It would be great to have this to reference....or just to drool on.

  129. Oh I would so love to win this book! It's been on my wishlist. I guess Modern Quilting to me means it's more "today"--fresh perspectives, fresh design.

  130. Thanks for the chance to win - this looks like a fantastic book! I think bright bold colors can make any quilt (even traditional blocks/patterns) look modern. There are so many things to try!

  131. Modern quilts for me are using the rules and then being strong enough to break them.

  132. I like the idea of embracing bold color and fabric combinations with less feeling of being regimented or tied to a consistent pattern or assembly method across a full project.

    This book looks great for that purpose - even the font on the title rings of outside the box!

  133. Modern quilting has reignited my passion for quilting. The style and fabrics have been a breath of fresh air to me after feeling that imhad lost my way and was very much over the prevailing country theme and fell that seemed to dominate the 90's . When i came back to patchwork it was to witness the bright colourful prints, spots and geometrics that i love. And the patterns and style, i just cant get enought. So, yes , I would love am chance to win this book. Many thanks for the giveaway, and i do love your blog.

  134. Modern quilting pushes me out of my comfort zone into a brave new colorful world of fabric and design Thanks for the giveaway of a fabulous book.

  135. Wow...yes, I'd love this book far as "what modern quilting is to me"'s really not too much different from traditional quilting, now is it...we just have more options, more tools and more inspiration...just like the phone...remember the rotary dial phone!!

  136. Thanks for tempting me over with the giveaway! Great to see your blog and the quilts! I'm a new blogger who's been finding my way into modern quilting. I love the collaborative community and the improvisational feel of Modern Quilting not to mention the Use of solids and Vibrant colours making the most of the negative space.

  137. Thanks for a great giveaway. Modern quilting is to me is to use solids way more and add more of me to the design.

  138. I love the freshness of modern quilting, even as it always seems to me to be well-rooted in traditional quilting at the same time. I would LOVE a copy of this book!! Fingers crossed!

  139. Thanks for the giveaway! I've been eying this book...

    To me modern quilting is about innovation, negative space, and freedom!

    Jen L
    Jen (at) toddleita (dot) com

  140. Modern quilts are our future. I see them as my grandmother must have seen a new design from the newspaper... with awe and wonder!!

  141. Modern quilting is about feeling good about YOUR techniques, not how things are "traditionally" done.

  142. Though I haven't truely explored modern quilting in its fullest. It appeals to my free form aesthetic. It breaks the traditional boundaries while respecting tradition. I would love a copy of this book. Thanks for the chance.

    Cre8be 2ru (at)

  143. This book looks awesome! i have to get it - one way or another! :)
    Modern quilting for me is... I know it when I see it, but it's impossible to define! :) It sometimes (but not always!) involves the use of lots of solid fabrics, improv piecing, and other quilts that are not made of standard blocks. Whatever it really is, I've completely fallen for it!
    thanks for the chance!
    steeplechaser29 (at) yahoo (dot) com

  144. I've only just begun quilting, but I guess "modern quilting" is being open to trying something new! Thank you,

  145. Looks like an amazing book!
    Modern quilting to me means putting aside the rules, trusting your gut, and having fun!

  146. Hi. I came over here from Jacquie's blog. Thanks for the great give-away. Modern quilting lets me be free about what I do without any expectations. Free creativity. Very fun.

  147. I don't think we gain when we define modern quilting by particular colors, patterns, or techniques. Modern quilting means learning from the quilters who have walked this path before us, while putting our own stamp on their methods where it makes sense.

    Barbara Mahoney

  148. This book is in my wishlist, and I'd love to win! I like how Modern Quilting is quilting as you go. So you may have some brilliant idea you didn't have yesterday, to incorporate today, and since you are not constrained by rules, you can do just that!

  149. Modern quilting gives me a place where others understand my aesthetic- and some really good friends too.

  150. wow, already 150 entrants, I will give it a shot anyway.

    Modern quilting is something fresh looking, exciting, only limited to your imagination, asymmetrical as opposed to traditional quilting which is precise, symmetrical and the final quilt needs to balance with colour and design.

    By the way I have a giveaway too, if you wish to enter:

  151. Modern quilting is the freedom to use whatever color, design and pattern that pleases you. That you for such a great giveaway.

  152. Modern quilting to me means community. It means being creative and being open to others creativity even if it is not the same as yours.

    Modern means solids, and unexpected colors, negative space and intricate piecing. It means all of this and none of this. It means no quilt police, but sometimes quilt helpers who might help you to learn a better way of doing things.

    Modern can draw from the traditional, or not. It is what you make it.

    But most of all modern is community. :)

  153. I have just discovered Modern quilting after being a traditional quilter for some time. I love the freedom Modern quilting gives me. Thanks for offering a wonderful book. Shirley from Northern British Columbia:)

  154. It really looks like a spectacular and inspirering book!


  155. When I think of modern quilting, I think of minimalism, geometry, and clean lines. Obviously there's a lot of organic modern quilting out there too, but even that usually strikes me as being 'clean' and non-busy usually.

  156. Modern is sort of winging it as you build on an idea.

  157. Modern quilting is a way for me to let loose, let my hair down, and, just go for it. Most of the time I don't know where the wild mess of fabric will end up, but, that's the beauty of improv quilting.

  158. Modern quilting means no limits, except the ones you make for yourself!

  159. I love the freedom of Modern quilts, If I get a request for a more traditional quilt, I use the scraps to make a modern quilt on the back. It's like wearing bright colored undies with a conservative suit.
    I just LOVE your oakshott quilt, lots of fun watching it come together, thanks for sharing!!!!!

  160. Having just found your blog a short time ago, I enjoy it immensely! Such a fascinating concept and wonderful inspiration, Thanks for doing the giveaway!

  161. That's a big question :) My short answer is that the quilts I am most drawn to have asymmetry and negative space. Traditional quilts may have one or the other, but rarely both at the same time. Of course, there are plenty of modern quilts that don't fit this description, but I'm giving you my short answer :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  162. Wow! I have always loved to look at modern improvisational quilts, but have never had the courage to try one myself. But Katie Pedersen's Shattered Remake and the Abstract Expressions on the Flicker group for the book have me hooked! Thanks for a chance to win this book before I head out to buy it!

  163. Modern quilting is not having to make the same block 600 times. I do a lot of art quilts and would love to do a larger modern quilt, Would love to win this book, to start my adventure

  164. I would loved to win this book! I am wanting to do more modern art quilts. Thanks for the chance to win!

  165. Oh goodness...modern quilting is the perfect marriage of traditional and cutting edge! The book looks fabulous!!

  166. Anything goes in Modern Quilting.

  167. I love that modern quilting is giving a fresh approach to an old craft/skill... and inspiring new addits, er, I mean quilters. I would love to add this book to my collection. thanks for the opportunity.


  169. modern quilts are so freeing and colourful.....i just love seeing how you put your blocks together......

  170. I am inspired by your designs. I enjoy your blog. Your blocks get me thinking on composition.

  171. I recently discovered improv.pieced solids and I just love it. I made a Gee`s Bend inspired mini and it really is my favourite quilt. Now I just have to make a big version! I love that every quilt is different, that there is no set pattern but that you just go in the direction your heart takes you. Thanks for the chance to win the book.

  172. Modern quilting is Inspiring, beautiful, fearless and love. Just saw Katie's Shattered. It took my breath away. Modern Quilting.

  173. I have not tried improvisational quilting yet, but I find the idea fascinating and plan to try it soon. Modern quilting is so beautiful and interesting at the same time. Thanks for giving this opportunity to win this wonderful book.

  174. Modern quilting let's me explore and experiment with color/texture/(non)rules, and *I* get to be part of the final outcome.

    Thanks for the chance to win a great book. It's been on my wish-list for a while, would love to win!

  175. Modern quilting means I get to be in control of what my quilt will be. While there are lots of elements of design that need to be considered, I don't feel fettered by a pattern. Flying by the seat of my's how I live my life too!

  176. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  177. Jacquie just sent me your way. I have had my eye on this book and whether or not I'm lucky enough to win it I will definitely be getting it!! She said to look around, and oh my, I LOVE your work!!! Very inspirational.

  178. Well hello : ) I think to me, modern quilting means I can try new things without feeling like I am doing it "wrong" Thanks for the chance

  179. Modern Quilting for me indicates a large emphasis on both color and negative space. Whether it's improvisational or traditional is left to the person designing the quilt.

  180. Modern quilting: simple, clean lines.

    I don't order books, I go to the store, look at the book, buy it, bring it home, look over it again and put it on the shelves with my other quilting books. Later, when I'm sorting my books (again!) I find that I have three copies each of several different books. This happens to me several times a year. My quilting friends love it when they see me carrying a stack of books. I either need to carry a list of my books or stop buying them, like that's going to happen. I did just check all my books, I don't have even one copy of this book, though it is on my wish list at Amazon.

  181. Oh I soooo wnat a copy of this book!!! Quilting Modern means lines, shapes, crisp looks and lots of friends!!!

  182. Modern Quilting to me means - prepare to be impressed. I am amazed by the techniques used for construction, and the eye for color and design that so many talented people possess. I hope that I prove to be one of them, as I am just starting out on my modern quilting journey after years of sewing garments and home dec. I love, love, love you blog. Thanks for sharing your talent!

  183. How generous! Thank you for sharing your extra copy with us.

    To me, Modern quilting means seeing quilting with new eyes - in terms of colour, design and technique. I love that this wonderful, functional art has had new life and energy breathed into it. It's the chance to explore being creative without being bogged down by too many rules. How liberating!

  184. To me, modern quilting is a step beyond what people consider quilting to be--using traditional patterns in unexpected ways, combining colors that you would never see in a "traditional" quilt, using lots of solids, etc.

  185. Modern quilting is a twist on traditional block patterns in a fun and unique also involves lots of white space and color choice plays a large role in the feel of a quilt as a whole.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  186. Awesome give away!! I really am liking all the modern quilts I have been seeing lately. I feel like Solids and geometric shapes really make a modern quilt.

  187. Modern quilting can mean any # of things. I'm a fairly new quilter so for me right now it means just trying new things!

  188. I would love a copy of this book, "Modern Quilting." Thanks for ordering too many and offering this give-a-way.
    The quilts are gorgeous. I could really use a book like this to help me with my longarm quilting.

  189. I would love winning this book. I also do improvisational quilting but with a much different look that your work. It's not just what I do but who I am.

  190. Modern quilting to me means trying something old in a new way and not worrying if everything was done "the correct way".

  191. To me modern quilting means doing whatever you want to try without having to worry [as much] about things like points matching, values harmonizing, etc.

    I'm near the end of a small quilt inspired by cheese. It's going excellently so far!

  192. I have been wanting this book forever!! Modern quilting to me is bending the rules and having fun. Modern quilting can be very involved or extremely simplistic. I love putting bold colors in just a few blocks with tons of negative space. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway.

  193. Oh my, I can totally relate to your ordering the book twice.
    Modern quilting to me means using solids, being fearless in trying new ideas, putting a modern twist on tradition.

  194. I think Modern Quilting means to quilt "beyond the block". Lots of angles, circles and asymmetrical lines using bold fabrics and color choices.

  195. your colors are simply stunning. Modern quilting for me is elegant simplicity

  196. Modern quilting to me is typified in improvisational construction and use of negative space; Very free-spirited and fun.

  197. I think modern quilting is putting a new twist on something that may not be new at all. Maybe a traditional pattern with modern fabrics or a pattern that is altered to give it a new look altogether. When I think about it, modern quilting is kind of hard to define.


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