
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

What Does One Do??

So what does one do, when deadlines are looming?? Rip up the sewing room, of course!! It goes without saying.
It's amazing how much havoc I can create, in a short period of time....and all to avoid what I should be doing. 
And now, I have the problem of putting all this back together, so I can work, on what  I was supposed to be doing in the first place.....what's with that??


  1. OMG, how have I never noticed that quilt that's hanging on your wall? It's stunning - STUNNING! I literally gasped when I saw it!

    (And now I'm seething with jealousy that I didn't make it. lol)

    So uhm, yeah.. messy sewing rooms. Uh huh.


  2. Frankly - I'm not sure this really qualify as a messy studio;-)
    ... but then my 'studio' is also my livingroom and I have days where I have to kick my way ahead, as the floor is part of my space *lol*. There is NO way I could organize my fabrics so neat like you do!
    The quilt on the design wall is gorgeous!

  3. I have the same Brother machine as you. I love it. I love the quilt you make too.

  4. actually i was noticing how organized your space it. bins, and shelves for everything. just little untidy work space.

  5. My studio always looks like a tornado blew through in the midst of a project. It's so easy to pull it all out! I wish I had someone to follow behind me and put it all back! :) Yours doesn't look too bad....but I know how you feel!

  6. It doesn't matter how messy things look when the Oakshott Project is on display!!

  7. Seriously!! You should see my quilt room right now! Yours is nothing ;o) your blocks on your design wall...they look so good!!

  8. I know exactly what you're feeling too. I think it's a way of increasing urgency because you 'work best under pressure' eventhough another part of you is annoyed that there's now so little time to do it.

  9. Good luck with the deadline project, I have the same problem when a deadline looms.

  10. that's messy?! You haven't been in my studio yet then. It is almost a waste of time to clean cuz it is just going to get messed up again... good luck!

  11. but think of how good you'll feel when it's all done!! Good luck with the "minor" renovation in the sewing studio!

  12. When I do stuff like that it usually means I need to make a decision about my next step and I haven't/can't make up my mind? So a lot of activity distracts me until the deadline is so close I HAVE to decide NOW :)

    Good luck meeting your deadline!

  13. Can you hear me laughing out loud? (strange feeling, since there is nobody else here). OMG - I can so totally relate. I have given up making anything for a deadline and my own deadlines are moving targets. Makes life a little easier, but not much. LOL.

  14. Just LOVE what you are working on. Looks like fun.


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