Let me explain......in the aftermath of a "Creative Frenzy" the doldrums hit. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about. After spending weeks immersed in a project, to the point of obsession, at times, one is left feeling a little lack luster, when all is said and done.
A little shop hop was in order. Climbing into fellow quilter's car she casually (well, not all that casually) mentions, that one of our favourite shops is moving....and you know what that means, deals are to be had.
The author, of this particular sale, is ingenious...I mean she knows us quilters. The more you buy the greater percentage you save.....who does that to a fabric junkie???
Well, fifty eight (give or take a few) meters later......
Does that even look like 58 meters???
Notice, I'm being very restrained in my choices...if not in my amounts. The majority of the yardage I bought is somewhat neutral with lovely texture and of course a few funky prints, thrown in for good measure.
After all, there has to be some sort of restraint when buying in such an uncontrolled manner. I know, it's a bit like going on a chocolate binge, only much more expensive.....hmm, chocolate sounds good, right about now.
Last but not least, I casually threw this book, on top of my pile....I'm a bit of a book junkie as well. My plan was to take a quick browse, before I headed off for bed, last night.....well I was still up at 4:30 am, with all kinds of creativity rattling around my brain.
I quickly made a little test sample.........I think I feel another "Creative Frenzy" coming on. I'll keep you posted.