
Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Better Late than Never

I'm so happy to finish my April block, for the Free Bee.

 I was a month behind..... for some strange reason I made the May blocks before the April block. 

I plead crazy creative mood swings....or something like that.

I hope you like it Ethne.


  1. Oh, oh, oh - this is delicious - it's amazing to see how everyone is doing their own version of the block
    I've been thinking recently how I'll get them all to work - do I work with what's been sent and a few extra and lots of solids - make a load more scrappy blocks to go with those received or make a few scrappy blocks and some blue blocks in the same vein so the scrappy blocks stand out - decisions, decisions, decisions - I think gut feeling and instinct will take over on the day ;o)
    thank you for this beauty

  2. Do you think I could get a note to get off work for "creative mood swings" - sounds like a problem that would be fun to have. The block is lovely, I love triangles and improv piecing and together they work so well. ps. I am at the airport!

  3. Wonderful block! Those bits of striped fabric add just the right zing :)

  4. hi everyone
    check out the fabrics at,
    they have the cutest, cheapest and best quality fabrics
    come check them out!

  5. I love your color combinations and the fact that your art is created as on a canvas, each step with what pleases your eye and your heart. I am about to make my first quilt after 45 years of sewing everything else for everyone else and am inspired by your modern clean colors and lines. I thought I would only be able drawn to very feminine floral shapes or jewel toned fabrics but these are extremely clean lined and seem almost minimalistic. This makes the sunny, bright fabrics stand in sharp contrast to each other. It's an awesome style you possess and I am completely inspired by your modern, clean creations. Awesome work, thanks so much for sharing. Peg, San Diego, CA


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