
Monday, June 4, 2012

Does Your Home Life, Reflect Your Quilt Life?

Or is it the other way around? Which ever way it is, I know mine sure does.....would you look at the fabulous area rug I bought today!! 

 When I showed the sales clerk the photo of  the fabulous Eric Klemm painting (which we bought about ten years ago) hanging in my living room, she quickly tried to steer me to a more "neutral" rug.

 How could I explain...neutral and I are not compatible!! Without thinking I spurted out "I'm an artist...I need colour!" 

I then proceeded to scroll over to my pictures of Colour Shot, she took one look and said "ahh, I understand". At first glance, she thought it was a painting rather than a quilt and asked me if I had business cards.....hmm, I'll have to think on that, but I digress. 

As you can see my quilter's heart won out.

And there on the black chair sits Colour Shot looking right at home.

It just might be time to make some cushions.....
quilty ones, of   course.


  1. Amen! Great rug and what a fabulous space.

  2. What a fabulous living space! It's definitely you.

  3. it totally looks like you could have quilted it!

  4. Oh my, that rug is fabulous. Cushions, yes!

  5. I love that rug!! It is perfect in your room.

  6. Your new rug fits like a glove! It was meant to be, for sure. Bring on some cushion love!

  7. neutral would have been boring. That rug is so you! great choice!

  8. That is a FABULOUS rug! It's so you and your style as it goes perfectly with your quilts. I just love it. Neutral? Bah no way! I need a rug like that.

  9. In the right colors, I would have picked that rug in a heartbeat. My walls are painted sangria (a brownish red) and filbert so the purple would not work. I would draw up the design and make a pillow to match.

  10. I'm waiting for a quilt made using the design from your rug!! Colors/style is perfect!!

  11. That is one very yummy rug. Perfect fit. I would redesign an entire room around that rug. You don't need to, of course. Do you find yourself walking in and out of the room just to gaze at it?

    1. How did you know....that's exactly what I've been doing all day.

  12. Very nice space! You should have business cards your work is amazing!

  13. Wow... I love your lounge! And that rug looks right as if it belongs there! Smashing! What a piece of luck to find it!

  14. My house does not reflect my quilt life at all. I moved into a fixer upper and after 9 years still needs some fixing up! The living room is my workshop/paint shop still! I need to step up my game! That rug rocks! It is perfect for the room.

  15. Classy perfection. What a wonderful living area and a gorgeous rug.


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