
Friday, June 8, 2012

I Gotta Get Me A System...Scrap System that is.

 After all these years of quilting, I've never bothered to deal with the scraps....they are out of control. My studio usually looks pretty neat, unless I'm in a creative funk, which happens on a regular basis. Normal people clean up after finishing a project...that doesn't work, all that well, for us multiple project types. You know...many starts and not so many finishes.

How have I managed to look so organized and neat all this time? My answer is containers, of all sizes and shapes. My husband calls me the "Container Queen", he tells our friends that I buy containers to hold my containers. Between us...he is absolutely right. But, my container system is failing me's out of control.
For example, this bucket is sitting full of fabric for a  project I made and actually finished last Christmas. 

These type of containers are lurking in hidden or not so hidden places all over my studio, really I'm serious. I'm actually afraid to count them, and lets not even mention the project bins. 
My plan is, over a span  of time, I won't say how long, to go through all of these containers, sorting into three categories:
  1. Scraps
  2. Yardage
  3. Ongoing projects 
I have space dedicated to yardage and ongoing projects but, as I was planning, I realized I have never put a working scrap system, the operative word being working, into place. Spurred on by reading Sunday Morning Quilts, I woke up with renewed vigour, ready for action. The first thing I did, was go to the Chiropractor....then out shopping for more containers, of course. There was some dead wall space that was perfect for the new "system".

There she be...all ready to be carried downstairs and assembled.  Darn, where is that man when I need him??
 I can carry this stuff...and  use a screwdriver, did I ever mention, I have my own drill? 
Now isn't that just a sight for sore eyes??? All ready for me to sort my scraps. I'm just wondering why I didn't do all that, before I went to the Chiropractor. 


  1. I am the assembler of IKEA and other such items at my house too - it's like a fun puzzle and you get a useful piece of furniture in the end. I so wish I had space for such a wonderful scrap management system. My (one) basket is packed full and beyond.

  2. Looking good!

    I'm a brand new quilter, but I know from my knitting habits that scrap management would be a problem for me. I started right from the beginning - all my leftover pieces get cut into one of a set size of squares or bricks while they're still on the cutting mat, then into big ziplocks (hey, I've only just started quilting, ziplocks are big enough for now!). It makes me feel so accomplished!

    1. So wise of you to have a system going right from the beginning, smart thinking.

  3. That is truly a beautiful scrap system. Mine involves three cupboards, two plastic boxes and a dog.

  4. Ha ha ..this is a funny post. Container to hold containers...and about the normal thing...did you not hear of the big convention for normal people??? No one came.

  5. I too am a container freak. Maybe that's why I also love bags and making them. I actually made huge zippered bags that I sewed colored strips on the outside of the bags in each color or color family and then I store my fabric scraps inside. I made one for red, blue, etc. I am actually working on the rest of the colored bag right now as I didn't get them all done, so I'll be posting some of the finished ones next week. I like your containers, but I have no space for something like that.

  6. For those that are interested and have too many scraps for another book, Sunday morning quilts is available in an ebook edition. I am having lots of fun with adding quilting and sewing books and videos on my iPad which I can set next to my sewing machine and follow the pattern/instructions or gaze at the ideas while sitting on patio listening to the world go around. usually has the books for less but C&T publishing also has a hugh collection of ebooks.

    1. That's a great space saving idea....It would be so smart of me to do but I love my books.

  7. Love a clear container my self. This new system is so neat and colourful. Well done.

  8. Looks like a wonderful plan. I sorted the scraps a couple of months ago and it is worth it, I use them far more now as they are easy to find.

  9. Looks like a terrific new system! Now all you have to do is actually use the scraps - not so good at that myself :)

  10. I have been working at organizing my scraps as well....I use to just save the pieces in baskets now I am actually cutting them to sizes and shapes I will use
    I will have to blog about that soon
    good luck with your plan...

  11. Looks nice and neat, but the danger of having containers you can't see through is that it is too easy to ignore them. (Of course, I do manage to ignore all the scraps clearly visible on my sewing room floor!)

    1. I know what you mean...I'm really good at ignoring them as well.


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