
Saturday, June 9, 2012

Thirty Three Buckets Later.....

I think I'm under or out of control, depending on how you look at it. Seriously, I dedicated thirty three buckets to scraps...try thinking of that many categories. I'm tired and haven't even started sorting the bulk of the scraps, that should theoretically end up in the thirty three buckets.

There are lots of helpful books written on organizing us quilters, you'd think we have a reputation for being overrun by  fabric or something. 

From all the reading I've done and my own personal experience, I think it's important to ask your self what kind of quilter you are? One project at a time or multiple like me. What type of buyer are you? Just enough fabric per project or the 58 meters, in one shot type, like me....surely there are others of you out there. 

How do you work on a project? The book Organizing Solutions for Every Quilter gets you thinking about some of these things. In order for your work space to work for you it should be personalized for you. Even if you only have a small corner in your house (trust me, I used to be there), it helps if you understand your personal habits and needs.

Just a quick example, the book Cut the Scraps, has you cut your scraps into nice neat consistent squares & rectangles, of various sizes, that all work together, making some of the really lovely quilts, in the book. It's really a well thought out system, but I want wonky scraps for more improvisational type that's not the best thing for me. 

Both of these books are fabulous and very helpful.

Now for sorting some scraps....maybe tomorrow.


  1. Between reading Sunday Morning Quilts right now and your post yesterday about scraps and containers I'm realizing I haven't really dealt with scraps in any meaningful way but you've got me thinking. By the way, I love your quilts now that I've had a real chance to look at your blog. Beautiful! Are they all quilt as you go? It's something I've wanted to try but haven't gotten around to it.

  2. Hopefully I'll be taking control of my workroom later today - if not it will be next weekend ....
    Thanks again for my beautiful Free Bee block and, the scraps that missed out on being added to your newly filled boxes - they will make it into the blocks I make to complete the quilt

  3. Two great book titles, great ideas for presents. I spend the majority of last Sat tidying my work room and now I need to sort through all of those clear boxes. I was hoping to do it today, as my husband is working. But the sun is shining in the UK today, so I am going to work in the garden.

  4. OK, I have 8 scrap boxes. 33 is a lot, you will be stunningly organized!


    I saw these and thought of you- probably not available in the states but wouldn't they be perfect!
    Cheryl from Suffolk, England

  6. I have all* of my scraps sorted into drawers by colour - there are four drawers per dresser, and eight drawers, so I have 32 drawers full of scraps sorted by colour.

    And like you - I'm a "buy 58 metres of fabric at once" - kind of girl. But no one would criticize a painter for having 58 pots of paint, so why should *we* feel guilty?

    *okay, white and black scraps were so numerous that they've been relegated to huge bins of their own.

  7. My studio is in a constant state of chaous. Projects are piled every where. If I put them into containers it would be out of sight, out of mind. I have two HUGE plastic, lidded tubs of scraps plus two laundry baskets of scraps. Oh, there are probably more, but they're out of sight! And like you, I'm a buy the rest of the bolt sort of gal. If I buy just 1/2 yd. I end up wishing I'd bought more. Your scrap, QAYG has inspired me to use these scraps. Good-Oh!

  8. Check out Theress stash organization!, 33 buckets good for you, now you should be ready whenever you want to start something new or need a certain color for an ongoing project...

    I do have a big basket near the cutting table that the scraps go into until I either refold them and put them back in the closets if its big enough or until the basket is over flowing then I may whip up a little quilt with whats in the basket or cut it up into my system

    Have a great week...

  9. And I thought I had a lot of scraps! Wow, 33 containers! I just dump my scraps into a big plasic tub. I have a couple of those. All my yardage is on shelving in a bedroom I call the fabric storage room (I live alone in a four bedroom house. A fabric storage room is a luxury!) I did go thru a lot of my scraps last year and made patches I can use for zig zag quilts. I made hundreds and hundreds of patches and I still have a lot of scraps left. Now the large container of vintage cotton scraps came in handy a couple of weeks ago when I put together the Sunbonnet Sue quilt so having scraps in my eyes is not a bad thing! Good luck with your organizing! I know it will be a lot of work, but you will be able to find what you are looking for when you are looking for it!

  10., I think you are in perfect control, or at least trying to be. I don't know why my scraps seem to multiply while I am trying so desperately to use them up!!
    Everything looks so neat and tidy, don't you hate to mess it up!!

  11. Evrytime i rearrange my studio, i think i have the best possible layout/system! Then i come up with something better! i think it just reflects our evolution as quilters. We grow, we change, our needs change and so our space must reflect that. It's the same with the rest of the house. Before we had kids, our needs were different. Even as the kids grow up our space keeps evolving. We've been in the same house for 20 years+ but we use our spaces diffrently. Evolution!
    Your space looks fab! Do what works for you! that's the beauty of having your very own space.

  12. I used to think I had a supper sized fabric stash, and I have 12 containers of scraps right now, but I thinking that maybe you are the queen of stash, as you have it in two locations. Too bad it all takes continuous organization. It seems like half of it comes out every time a project is started.

  13. Mom, do we need to have a fabric/furniture rearranging intervention?


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