
Friday, September 21, 2012

I'm So Busted

Now it goes without can only mean trouble when my husband wanders into my sewing space. 

After the last'd think he would know better 
This shirt is the first thing he spied as came around the corner...."That's where that shirt went, I've been looking for it for months." 

Hello, there's a button missing!!!! Yikes who has time to sew on missing buttons and other such mundane chores. 

Good thing he didn't notice a few other alleged missing items, in the crumpled heap mending pile, in the corner.

Of course...there's always a witness when this type of lapse in domestic perfection occurs. 

One my fellow Blockheads stated, she does all her mending before she lets herself start her positively virtuous!!! She knows I love her but, that's never going to happen around here.
After all I have more design walls to create. 
Once I get started I do get carried away....but not in the mending department. 

Good thing my other fellow Blockhead backed me up. My reputation as a domestic goddess is already fragile at best.....have I mentioned I don't cook at all any more. 

So what was Mr. Baguette doing in my sewing space might ask??

 He recently signed up to run a 10k race, but hurt  
his heel while training, so opted to ride his bike from which he promptly fell and separated his shoulder. He came into the sewing room looking to show off his recent injury to my quilting buddies.

So I guess I won't be taking over the basement until he's all healed.... after all I was relying on his brute strength to move some of the furniture for me. Hmm...maybe I can bribe  one of my sons.


  1. Hi Mari
    I love your blog since a long time and took a lot of inspiring things of it, but today I had to laugh loudly because of the missing button. Here in Duesseldorf, Germany there are also missing some and it`s the same procedure... I`ll going to sort all the nice fabrics my friends gave me today and not cleaning windows or anything similar :))
    Regards Ulla

    1. Thanks Ulla....I know I'm not the only one with this problem.

  2. Pleased to read that I am not the only person the leave the mending as quilting comes first.

  3. I have got two women's suit jackets that need to have the sleeves shorten for a neighbor and a windbreaker that needs the lining repaired for my dad - son of a gun I don't want to spend the time fixing them! I have quilting to do! I finally fixed my son's rain pants after I have had them for at least 3 years! Heck, it took me months to hem my own pants - thank goodness for green painter's tape!

  4. It is interesting how there is just no mending in my house. I think that they all gave up asking years ago. Love the design walls.

  5. My kids used to grow out of their clothes before I got them mended. :) Happy quilting!

  6. I bet they dry cleaners would do that mending for you, and you could shop for fabric while they are doing that. Yeah my kids would outgrow their clothes sometimes even before I could get them folded and put away.

    1. Good thinking....but most of the mending jobs are so small I could do them faster than driving to the dry cleaners. One of these days or should I say years, I'll get it done.

  7. Don't feel guilty! Last spring I found a box of mending I had packed when I moved to New Mexico, 19 years earlier. Oops. Just as well I waited...they're all out of style now. Hang on to that shirt a bit longer and it will be, too!

  8. This is so funny. I feel like I am looking in the mirror!

  9. Two interesting things. I also very rarely cook- my husband like to do "braaivleis" in the fireplace in winter and outside in summer. Otherwise we order Pizza or I make a salad. It add a lot of quilting time. How do you get around it?

    I like your many design walls. How do you fix it to the wall?

    I did some mending the other day- clothes that were waiting for repairs for years. I had to do it- there was three pairs of pants that needed seams. The very next day one of the repaired pants were shredded again when my husband (a farmer) climbed through the wire fence- so that is exactly why I do not like mending!

  10. LOL my "fixit pile" is rather large, too. I still hadn't unpacked my sewing machine from a sew-in with friends so I took the opportunity to haul out the serger and start on a task that was way WAY overdue: shortening some pants. I've lost weight since I bought them - I really hope I can get a few wears out of them before they look like clown pants. Oh well.

  11. Hahahahaha! Snap. It's my son in law who hives me the most mending. Thank the lord he is a very patient man.
    Or is it just that he is scared of his mother in law?
    Doesn't matter...ant way suits me!

    1. Maybe if you're slow enough he'll stop bringing it altogether .

  12. Oh my word...check out that spelling!

  13. Your design walls are fantastic. I'm so glad to have discovered your blog. I clicked back on a few of your posts and enjoyed them all. It's like having a new quilting magazine to read. You went to a beautiful night of music in a small church in Victoria - where you lucky you are! I grew up in Victoria but left to teach in Vancouver and have only been back to see my family ever since.

    1. Thanks Sheila....I'm glad you're enjoying the Blog. Victoria is fabulous isn't it, I'm only there part time, but we just love it.

  14. I am loving your perspective! Thanks so much for making me laugh today. I can't even remember how long my husband's shirts were hanging in my quilt room - I got so sick of them hanging there (in my way), that I moved them into the guest room closet. Forever!

    : )

  15. Oh, yes - mending has a way of disappearing into my sewing room and never seeing the light of day again!

  16. I can iron fabric for hours, but the pile of clothes that need ironing keeps growing. Hubby takes his shirts to the cleaner's. Son is learning how to iron because it's a requirement for Air Cadets and my daughter will happily wear wrinkled clothes. Apparently "it's a look". So we're covered!


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