
Friday, September 14, 2012

Out of Sight....Out of Mind

 When you're a multiple project type quilter......what does one do with all these ongoing projects?? Putting them all away in a bin doesn't work all that well for me. 

You know that old saying "Out of Sight...Out of Mind". That's exactly what happens when I pack things away, out of my line of vision.

My answer to this is....more design walls. 

We'll see if this actually works. I have a fair bit unused wall space around my  long I thought, why not put up more design boards. 

I often like to let projects sort of simmer, but if I put them out sight the simmering process sort of stops.

Now, I'm not really using these, as working design walls.....rather I'm using them more, as display walls, to keep me engaged. I  have a working design wall right next to my sewing machine but I only like having my most current project on it.

I might just have a few more empty spots in this room to put up a few more....what can I say, I really do have a tendency to get carried away.

But really, can one ever have too many design walls ???

And last but not least....a new addition to our family. 
My little granddaughter, Autumn Claire arrived this week. She was more than a week overdue, but was born on my son's lovely is that.


  1. Nope! Sure can't! If I had more wall space, I would have more design walls! I even put a little one in the hall for a wall hanging I was working on.

  2. I'm an out of sight, out of mind kind of person too - it's why I have all these piles that drive my crazy! :)

    Congratulations on the new granddaughter! Autumn Claire is a beautiful name.

  3. Congratulations on your new grandchild! How wonderful!

  4. Congratulations on our new grandchild and happy birthday to your son! I like your new design walls!!

  5. Congratulations on the new addition. What a beautiful name!

  6. Congratulations one your newest family member! Her name is wonderful too! Maybe she was waiting for the weather to change a bit! Great idea to add more design walls. If one is good, more just has to be better!

  7. Grandchildren are wonderful..congrats to you. Now I am just the many projects that need to simmer. I would get more done if I had design walls all around the house, but then I do like to put things on them as entire house of design walls:) Such joy..

  8. I'm like you, I want it out where I can see it and make decisions when the time is right. I have 9 design walls.

    Congratulations on the new addition to the family!

  9. Congrats on that sweet new grandbaby! you are a lucky and blessed person. be happy.

  10. She is beautiful, and looks great with her grandparents. I think she might need some quilts, maybe the modern kind?? Love your design walls.

  11. Firstly, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your multiple design wall idea - especially as your quilts are so artistic so your walls look like art installations. AND secondly of course, congratulations!!! Is that you and Mr Baguette in the photo? What a handsome couple you are, lovely to put a face to a quilter!

  12. Congratulations on the new arrival!
    Design walls? Looks more like an Art Gallery from where I am sitting:)

  13. Congratulations on the new Granddaughter!

  14. I can so relate to this post! I don't use my design wall for designing ( I prefer the floor...) . So when I recently moved my craft room downstairs, I discovered that I really miss having my project storage wall....because it is exactly like you stated....out of sight. Out of mind!

    Congrats on your new granddaughter. What a beautiful name!

  15. Nothing more precious than a newborn baby. So so sweet. As for the design walls, I've been contemplating the same issue. Things that need to simmer but not be out of sight because then they really do go out of mind. I'm considering the hallway outside the studio. Also need to figure out how to store finished quilts that in use. What do you do?

  16. I wish i had more wall space! my projects get burried in piles too.
    Congratulations on another grandchild! she is lovely and so is her name.

  17. I'm the same, if I can't see them they wont get finished! I now have a few of those clear boxes that stack together - it means I can sort of see what I've been working on without leaving my projects all over the house :)
    Congratulations on the new addition to the family :D

  18. I totally agree. You have inspired me to pull some my out of mind pieces out and maybe hang them from the ceiling. One Dan never have enough design wall space!

  19. Lovely congratulations to all of you. I just love your baby granddaughter's name! I would just love to spend an afternoon drinking tea in your gorgeous longarm studio.

  20. oh how awesome grandma. love the name of the newly born, and so appropriate for the time of year. congrats!!

  21. Congratulations on the timely arrival of Autumn Claire - I wonder if she will have an awesome artistic streak like her Grandmother!


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