
Monday, October 22, 2012

Think I'll Go Back to Alberta....

weather's good there in the fall....
So then why did they add the line....if I get there before the snow flies

Oh dear, it's always so hard to leave my beloved West Coast Studio.
I did make a few improvements while I was here.
I'm always amazed how moving a few things around can make all the difference, in how a work space functions.
 I think I've mentioned that this is my third attempt, but this time I think I actually got it.

Hanging the TV, freed up more space than I anticipated. 

 The cupboard that used to act as a TV stand is now beside the desk, creating an extra work surface...can never have enough of that.

That same cupboard with a much larger TV used to sit right that's  it's gone ,there is one huge design wall.

The whole room is much more functional now. Of course, now that I've got it just the way I want, it's back to Alberta.

Four strong winds that blow lonely......good thing my adorable grand kids are there....


  1. The wind has been blowing cold out here too. Have a safe trip.

  2. Your studio is so beautiful and that design wall is beyond wonderful!!!

  3. ............sigh.........


  4. Thanks for the reminder of a once favorite Ian and Sylvia song....
    My husband was humming it a few days ago, and he's never been to Alberta...

  5. I sympathize with you on this one. I live in New Mexico and go to San Diego more and more these days, because it's where the grand kids are. It's also where I quilt, so when I have to return to NM, it's a double loss. Have a safe journey.

  6. Oh, no one told you? We've already had snow twice here in Edmonton, and I think other parts of the province have fared worse. For now, there's just a bit of stubborn snow stuck to the grass in my yard to remind me of the two snowy days we had...but you know more is coming. Stay in Vancouver! Stay warm (if not dry).

  7. The good times are not gone
    though you are movin on
    I look forward to seeing more creations
    from the Alberta basement stations.
    (Sorry Ian and Neil)
    Now, dive in to some luscious colors and get warmed up.

  8. You have me hunting around my space looking for somewhere to hang more design boards!

  9. wish i had room for the design boards. i'm sure you will still be tweaking the west coast studio when you come back. we crafters are never finished.


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