
Saturday, November 24, 2012

Finding My Process

I'm struggling to find my process, as I work on a small writing project. The first time doing anything can be's like creating a prototype. It feels like I'm working from scratch and its placing a substantial drain on my creative energy. 

I find myself working on everything and anything but the project at hand. And yet the feelings are familiar, I've been in this same place before. Scattered unsure and not quite understanding my own process.

How does one know what their creative process is? I believe one can learn a lot from studying their own successes and failures. Observing when something really works and when something clearly doesn't. So as I slug through this I'm trying to discover the approach, that works best for me.

What works for you, as you create a quilt or another type of project? Do you draw sketches, use a design program or dive right into the fabric like I have a tendency to?

 I've discovered something are part of my process. Since I started blogging, almost two years ago, I find sharing my process, with you  as I work, gives me a creative spurt of energy. I value our interaction tremendously.

 I remember feeling that very same uncertainty as I wrote my very first blog post. Doing something new often brings a certain amount of uncertainty, but there are rewards in working through the process.

 I'm glad I didn't let my doubts stop me from blogging. I would have missed out.

I've left the snow and busyness behind for a few weeks and returned to the beautiful West Coast. 
Here's hoping that will give me the creative surge I need to complete my project. Nothing may come of it, but I view it as an essential part of my quilting journey, no matter what the outcome.

I've also fallen behind on my last Free Bee Block. It's for my friend Dan of Piece and Press, who made me the most incredible block. I just can't quite get my head around what I want to make for him.
 I'll probably go with the very first thing that came to mind when I saw his inspiration quilt.  That's worked for me the other months of the maybe going with a process that has been successful, in the past will work again.
Thanks for listening and being such an important part of my quilting journey

Friday, November 16, 2012

Never Say Never

I never thought I would..... but I went to my very first ever, Modern Quilt Guild meeting this week.

  Leanne from She Can Quilt put together a very informative presentation about the online quilting community. She gave everyone all kinds of wonderful technical info.

 Leanne gets involved in lots of swaps and bees so she started her presentation with her wonderful Weekender Bag full of mini quilts and such, made by many of you. Everyone was wowed....I don't know why I didn't think to take pictures.

Back in the studio, I'm still in the middle of reorganizing. Now that I have so many amazing design walls, I decided to work on my photography a little. 

I recently looked into having some of my quilts photographed professionally, but also want to have a better setup at home. So, when one wants to know how to do something.....the Internet can be our best friend. I found  Holly Knott's site very informative.

I actually made these light stands myself, for very little money....using Holly Knott's info.

So in the middle of my crazy busy week I've been experimenting.....I have such a habit of getting carried  away.
But would you look the difference a few lights can make....I mean this is at night. Being such a night owl, this could be very helpful!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sometimes A Snow Day is a Good Thing

Even the best plans are waylaid sometimes. We got snow....I mean we really got snow. No visiting with my little granddaughters today (such a pleasant diversion).

 Instead, it's time to face few things things on my to do list, that I've been avoiding....some of them even have deadlines. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I've been twiddling my thumbs....remember all those design walls. 

But moving  rooms around can create a fair bit of chaos. I DON'T FUNCTION WELL WITH CHAOS.....It puts my chaotic brain into overdrive. But chaos is such a great way to procrastinate doing the things I really should be doing, but in the end just creates more stress.
Seriously, there wasn't a fleck of snow on this deck last night.

So back to those deadlines.....
On another note...................

Inspiration is everywhere to be found.  I saw this area rug yesterday (before the snow came)  at Walmart,  as I was running errands, and yes some of them were actually on my to do list.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Clearly, I'm Design Wall Obsessed!!

Forty one  design wall panels (14 1/2"x 48" each) later.....
and I think most of you would agree, I'm just a tad obsessed.

Maybe I should mention, I'm not quite done yet, in all fairness this is for two studios....does that make me any less obsessed?? I think not. 

I'm not even going to try and figure out how many square feet of design wall that makes, but I'm loving them.
I tore down my two old design walls and reconfigured them. This design wall was put up before my amazing discovery of  Command Strips
I'm almost embarrassed to show you the state of my walls, as a result of screws, Velcro and staples. 
 I had even resorted to using the glue gun...yikes, what a mess!!
 Here are the backs of the old panels, before I started using duct tape....those staple's were a pain to put in and they really didn't hold all that well.

I managed to reuse most of the panels and also noticed how helpful it was to use the temporary spray adhesive, another thing I didn't do the first time (in my defense, that was several years ago).....who knew.
 As you can see I've created quit a mess.
But, the mess was well worth it. I took two smaller design walls and ended up creating one large design wall, adjacent to a window....hopefully much better for taking pictures. 

In the old configuration the window was always behind me, resulting in unwanted shadows. 
As you can see, I've been up to my neck in my basement takeover as well, since coming home.
Just another one of my obsessions (moving things from one room to another).
Bulky couch and chair are gone and my computer has been moved downstairs....there seems to be chaos everywhere.

I'll keep you posted between trips up and down the stairs......and trips to the chiropractor (as I might have mentioned before, the one conveniently located, one block over, from the fabric store).