
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sometimes A Snow Day is a Good Thing

Even the best plans are waylaid sometimes. We got snow....I mean we really got snow. No visiting with my little granddaughters today (such a pleasant diversion).

 Instead, it's time to face few things things on my to do list, that I've been avoiding....some of them even have deadlines. Now don't get me wrong, it's not like I've been twiddling my thumbs....remember all those design walls. 

But moving  rooms around can create a fair bit of chaos. I DON'T FUNCTION WELL WITH CHAOS.....It puts my chaotic brain into overdrive. But chaos is such a great way to procrastinate doing the things I really should be doing, but in the end just creates more stress.
Seriously, there wasn't a fleck of snow on this deck last night.

So back to those deadlines.....
On another note...................

Inspiration is everywhere to be found.  I saw this area rug yesterday (before the snow came)  at Walmart,  as I was running errands, and yes some of them were actually on my to do list.


  1. Yeah - that rug would make a wonderful quilt!

  2. You always have an eye for the good stuff. Stay warm and dry

  3. After watching the news today I couldn't believe that just an hour and a half north we escaped all that snow - just a few light flurries here...I'm so glad that we weren't in the city today! I just enjoyed looking back through some of your QAYG quilts. I have been quilting today after spending all day yesterday with our Quilting for Humanity group. i'm crossing my fingers that we have missed the snowstorm entirely. Keep warm!

  4. OMG!!!! That dirty, four letter word!!!! SNOW!!!!! It is beautiful but......hope you got a lot done today!

  5. That is quite a bit of snow! I am not ready for snow yet!

    Love the rug :)

  6. My husband and I were actually arguing about whether yesterday's dump was a blizzard or not. He says it was, because Canadian weather defines a blizzard as a certain amount of snow falling per hour (which we rapidly exceeded, even here in Leduc). I told him it's not a blizzard unless there is wind of a certain speed accompanying said rapid snow fall - I've been in some nasty blizzards in Saskatchewan and Manitoba. What do you think? Was it a blizzard or not?

    PS I have also been inspired by rugs - to the point of sitting on the floor at my BFF's house and ignoring her while I drew her rug pattern in my design book!

  7. Wow, what a dump of snow, looks like a great day for several things!

  8. that's an amazing amount of snow - especially considering it's 15 and sunny here - we're going to play golf! (Not rubbing it in, but it really goes to show how huge our country is!)

    Good luck with your work on your "snow" day!


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