
Sunday, December 30, 2012

Well, I Have this Sore Knee.....

Honest....I really do. It slows me down, not to mention the countless hours in the chiropractor's office getting laser treatments etc.  You know where this leading, right?  As I was looking through my 2012 blog posts I was a bit flabbergasted to discover only one heard me. I blame it on that blasted sore knee.

And that brings up another issue or should I say resolution, it is that time of year, after all. I like my sweets as much as I like my fabric......I think that says it all.

 My poor knee needs less body mass to carry around, and that's it.  I might even be brave enough to keep you posted on my progress...note, I did use the word might. A little support from fellow quilters with a sweet addiction might be nice.

Besides having only one finish (there, I said it again),  the year was rather wonderful.  I noticed I had several firsts:

It was Fabulous Experience....the blocks I received were beyond all my expectations and I hope to create an amazing quilt in 2013. Thanks to all you wonderful Free Bees and thank you Lynn, for putting us together.

Had my first quilt published and they contacted me, I still can't quite believe it.

Festival of Quilts by MariQuilts
  • One of my quilts went for a visit to England...there it is, in the Oakshott Booth.

  • I entered that same quilt into a show for the first time....and we all know how that ended first official rejection .  The best part of that experience was all the amazing comments from my fellow quilters and bloggers. You are all, simply the best!!!!

Naturally, that sore knee did NOT stop me from STARTING several projects....something that hopefully never changes.
So, in between making crazy amounts of design walls, here there and everywhere and starting new projects, it's been a wonderful year.

And of course...saving the best for last...a beautiful new granddaughter and an amazing new grandson. 

Thank you again, for your friendship and support.

All the best and Happy New Year.

Lily's Quilts

P.S. I'm linking this post to Fresh Sewing Day at Lily's Quilts


  1. What a great year, it is not just the number of finishes that count.

  2. Dear Marianne,
    it`s not the numbers of quilts that count but you gave me and thousands of other quilters a whole year of joy reading your posts and also using all the interesting links. Thanks for that. The weight problem we and thousand of other quilters have also in common. We still try again in 2013 as we kept exercising in handquilting, machinequilting ...
    I also must loose weight starting tomorrow.
    Best wishes for 2013 Ulla from Germany

  3. I'd consider swapping all my finishes for the awesome talent in your years blocks... Every time you do something it sends my brain racing off in all sorts of new directions! I cant keep up, if you worked any faster you'd do me an injury... lol Best wishes for a happy new year and best of health to you and the newly extended family!

  4. Your blog - your work - is inspiring! It doesn't matter to me if it's finished or not. It's eye candy. Speaking of candy - I, a fellow quilter, have lost 75 pounds. It can be done! I walk most days - 7 miles now, but I started at 1 mile. I write down everything I eat. And I have chocolate every day. I have a blog about weight that I update occasionally, but am trying to do better since I still have more pounds to lose. All my sore joints have disappeared since I started walking - a wonderful side benefit. The blog is, if you'd like to keep track of my newest progress - and join in the "fun".

  5. you have had a wonderful year...there is nothing like newborn babies with their newborn baby smell and their little slightly coneheaded makes you realize even tho there is unrest and sadness in the world...things are just how they should be in your for the other firsts in quilting they are all part of the growing process...and hey i have not managed to get in a magazine or have a quilt travel to be shown ...the quilt show will come and when it does it will be so much sweeter...happy new year

  6. You may not have made a load of quilts, but you have started a number of journeys - your own, as described above and also helped others, like myself, start new journeys or our own, with your inspiration - so take heart and keep going
    Richest blessings to you and your family this new year - all the best for 2013

  7. I'm a new follower and feel right beside you with your weight loss efforts and quilting. I think Gale is right that we must drop weight in order to be kind to our bodies, and then our bodies will reward us with less aches and pains. I am glad the new year is starting because I am on a tangent to get some more weight off. Yesterday I took a half hour out of quilting to get out for a walk, even though it was only 19 degrees outside - makes you walk WAY faster, lol!

  8. I am right there with you sore knee, too much weight and not enough finished projects.
    I wosh for you new year less pain and more finished projects.
    Love you work and follow you blog.

  9. Sigh. I, too have a sweet addiction. My solution is to get it all out of the house. If I have to get in the car to go get something sweet, I grumble but don't. I walk every day no matter what (also grumbling), and have just started to use a good pedometer so I know if I'm being too sedentary the rest of the day. That and small meals/snacks more frequently usually does it for me. I'll be trying along with you, I let my good habits slide with predictable results over the holidays. Double sigh.

  10. 1 finish but your starts are spectacular. It's all about the exploring and learning and posting so we can get inspiration from you. Thanks.

  11. Your quilts are beautiful---on a side note---I got not one but TWO "sorry" letters. Well, that is okay---in looking at your quilt and mine, surely they were just tired when they got to us. I will forgive them this time---everyone makes mistakes :D

  12. Nothing could possibly top those beautiful babies. That said, I think your work is wonderful so keep entering. My guess is that your quilt was more art than modern for the quilt con show. I've always thought of your work as art so try another venue. You're bound to find success as beautiful as your quilts are. Have a wonderful New Year!!!

  13. And do you know what? Without this blog I would never have had the balls...I mean have tried a QAYG project! And everyone loves it. I thought it needed borders. My good friend Miep didn't. I took it to our small quilt group and half said yes and half said no! I have pleased everyone by putting two borders on it...and I love it a lot. Thank you so very much for your inspiration...and about that rejection: maybe their white sticks got in the way!

  14. Maybe only one quilt finished, but countless hours of inspiration provided to those of us out here in blog reader land :)

  15. PS Hope your knee is better/improving!

  16. An AMAZING amount of awesome work for only one finish ... lots to be proud of ... and still my FAVORITE blog to visit --- humor and lovely, inspirational quilts ... doesn't get much better than that ;-)

  17. Your quilts are inspiring - finished or not...I always find that's the hardest part. I have almost finished my best "creative" quilt and yet I can't find a home for it...yet. I know that sometime a friend of relative will need a comfort quilt so i plan to finish it soon to have on hand. Best of luck in losing the weight to make your knee happier. I was in the same situation nine years ago and asked my doctor what could be done to relieve the terrible pain I was experiencing in my knee. She suggested a knee brace, followed by eventual surgery "OR", she said, with a long pause, "you could lose 10 percent of your weight." Considering the options, I decided to lose weight. I lost 20 percent in the year following and though I have gained a small amount since, i've never experienced knee pain again. Best of Luck!

  18. All I can say for the improvisational quilts is WOW. I want to do more of that myself, but it so easily could just be a mess. Your's look more like excellent design.

  19. Lovely Post and what a dear, wee baby! Please tell me how you have such a lovely, simpl, uncluttered way of showing your Blog!
    Hugs - Lurline.

  20. Happy New Year, Marianne! I loved this post! And your admission of only one finish this year (in small print) made me grin. You are charming. :)

  21. Oh! And congratulating you on your first published quilt! That's wonderful!!! I'd imagine it's the first of many!


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