
Saturday, January 5, 2013

Back at It

After spending the week recovering from the Christmas and New Years festivities, I'm savoring the joy of having the house to myself, for a few days. 
 Yesterday morning was spent clearing the last deadline off my I'm really doing the dance of joy!

 My sewing world came to a grinding halt over December, as did my basement takeover and design wall obsession. I cleared things up as best I could, so the kid's from Montreal could have the basement for 10 days, but now I'm back at it.
 All in all I'm happy with my progress...there are still things to sort, but It's a very manageable list now.

My creative, chaotic brain is usually at war with my visual  need for beauty and order so it's an ongoing process  battle to keep things from getting out of control. I have the ability to create tremendous messes whenever I'm in the middle of a creative funk....which happens on a regular basis.

I'll take you on a little tour.......
I did leave the little play kitchen downstairs for my grandchildren....the rest of the toys are upstairs in the play room (my old office).
Wasn't it nice of me to leave my husband his pool ball rack??? 
I even hung my knitting bags on hooks.

Now it's time to get some actual sewing done.....
I can't wait !!!!


  1. Your sewing studio is looking great, I love that you can work at your desk right by the fire.

  2. You are so lucky to have a studio. I sew in our kitchen and store stuff piled on our dining room table. I guess though, I should still be grateful that I have a place to sew. Without it, my life would truly be boring!

  3. Wow! What a great place to have and be in :)

  4. Looks great ... you are sew organized! ... :) Pat

  5. Could you redo my space? Yours looks like it's out of a decorating magazine -- so colorful and artful as well as functional.

  6. This is a great space! I'm envious because we just moved from a 2600 sq ft house to a 700 sq ft apartment and I had to get rid of my fabulous Horn sewing table and most of my fabric. Is that a long arm quilting machine I see in that one picture with the fabulous quilt on the door? That would be cool!

  7. Oh I'm excited!!!..... can't wait to see what you start working on! I always love looking at your work! By the way congrats on being published :) saw your quilt in Fons :)

  8. It looks like you are all set for a great year of quilting! Have. Fun.


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