
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Quilt Con.....Still processing

Lots of fun to be had, that's for sure....but QuiltCon was so much more than that. I am on complete overload and need time to process.

Oh dear, the phone just rang and my new sewing machine is waiting in the lobby of the hotel (darn those interruptions).  Janome, gave us an amazing deal on the machines that we used in the class rooms....I couldn't resist.
I do have a really big birthday coming up next month. I know, I know....I'm a master at rationalizing.

Back to the topic at hand......
The friendly open climate amongst us fellow quilters was simply amazing. The ins and outs....  the ups and downs, I need to sift and process what to share with you. Controversy, inspiration, meeting friends, making new friends, frustration, disappointment, in depth discussion, laughter and was all there.

I'm committed to sharing my quilting journey with you and I was greatly impacted by Quilt Con....... a little simmering of my thoughts is definitely in order.

A wonderful, personal highlight of the week was seeing the current issue of Machine Quilting Unlimited on display.....with my QAYG article inside. This was the first time I saw the issue in hard exciting. 

Machine Quilting Unlimited


  1. Hurray for the new sewing machine! I’m so curious to read about your adventures, the ups and downs. I’ve seen several pictures of exhibited quilts and I could not help wondering why your quilt wasn’t accepted...

  2. I'm so glad you seem to have had a great time and can't wait to read all about it (warts and all)
    A new sewing machine will no doubt lead to more wondrous quilts .....

  3. I'm with Nicolette - why wasn't your quilt accepted?? I know that's not what you are focusing on but I can't help thinking that. Sounds like you have lots to tell and how fab to be coming home with a new machine.

  4. Would love to hear the stories from Quiltcon. I also have a copy from Machine Quilting Unlimited in my hands, great article Marianne and a lovely magazine. Oh and a new sewing machine, have fun with it.

  5. A new machine! Wow! I ordered a copy of that magazine (even though I really am not a machine quilter, but just a wanna-be one)because I just love your tutorials and your quilts.
    What's the deal, how could your quilt NOT be accepted??? Funny old quilting world, huh? Julierose

  6. I would be on overload too! I wish I had gone! Next time! Ooh a new sewing machine! What model? Glad to hear you had an eventful trip. I hope it was everything you wished for and more! I'm going to go shopping for your magazine article! Congrats!

  7. One of the QuiltCon highlights for me was meeting you and having you in class! Can't wait to see what you create with your new machine :)

  8. I can only imagine the mix of thoughts after such an event. I too believe your quilt should have been accepted after seeing photos of the show. But then again who ever knows about these things. That's why we all have to keep doing what inspires us personally. My hope is that the whole modern movement will not fall into being too judgmental and critical. I find I love many styles and many types of fabrics. Sometimes it's modern other times not so much but who's to say if I don't belong here or there because of that? I guess I'm railing a little about the labeling aspect. I'm quite curious to hear about your adventures.

  9. Hi Marianne - it's your new BFF from California! So glad we met at QuiltCon. I am also awash with inspiration, ideas and many, many thoughts about modern quilting. I vote for modern quilting being a group of inclusion, not exclusion. Of acceptance, not rejection. And a group that is willing to pay homage to its roots - all those women who cut up fabric and sewed it back together before any of us. "The Makers" as Jacquie Gering and Denyse Schmidt each referred to in different ways in their respective lectures.
    But then you've heard my take already! Please submit your quilt to PIQF and Houston - I believe it will be valued in both shows.
    Hope to see you in the near future!

  10. I, too, am processing the QuiltCon experience.
    One thing that is giving me pause now is that precious display space was given to MQG board members. Obviously not for competition, and while perhaps not unethical, it just doesn't look good. One of the at least 4 places given to them could have gone to your beautiful quilt.
    So lovely to meet you!

  11. I think I saw some pictures of quilts from the QuiltCon show, and did not come away with a happy feeling. I hope I'm wrong, but were there a couple of quilts with the word f*ck spread all over the tops? They didn't shock me - that word is way over used to be shocking anymore - but I didn't get the reason for making those quilts. And that is not why I didn't have a happy feeling after viewing the quilts.

    I'm a member of a Modern Quilt group, and the work my local modern quilters make is great. I sure didn't get what a lot of those quilts hung in the show were about. Was it just me?

    It's not an age thing. I'm open to just about any type of art. It was an aesthetic thing. The pictures I saw had no close ups, so it's very possible I missed seeing lots of gorgeous machine quilting. The thing is, when you see a picture of a quilt, it should immediately grab your attention so that you are intrigued to go closer and see what else is on the surface.

    Personally, layers and layers of interest is what makes a textile piece capture my attention. I guess this is one of those times where we have to respect that there are different points of view in the quilt world.

    1. I agree, there are many points of view to consider. I enjoyed seeing the quilts but must admit I was fairly puzzled by the judging.

  12. Unfortunately the criteria for quilt acceptance and judging have not been disclosed. I sure hope they do disclose both publicly and soon. Everyone deserves to know! I agree, it's hard to know how to share about the experience in blogland, where any minor criticism is usually rejected as "negativity". I hope that overall you will have lots of positives to take away from the event. And, congrats on your publish!

  13. I cant wait to see your pics of the event! Who doesnt love a deal on a new machine:) I hope you put out the pics of the outlandish ones, its hard to not go and be able to see everything in person.

    1. I didn't really take all that many busy taking it all in. I just can't seem to get my thoughts organized to write about my overall impressions.

  14. loved meeting you in Austin


  15. I just now got that issue with your tutorial inside--what a great article--and mag; I think I must subscribe to it and begin my machine quilting journey. These aged hands don't want to hand quilt much anymore...Lovely pix and set up...thank you, Julierose


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