
Sunday, March 3, 2013

The Online Connection

After yesterday's post, I'm eager to move on to another topic in regards to Quilt Con. Thanks so much for all your are all so supportive!!! Which leads right into today's post:

The Online Connection
So very vibrant and exciting...... I was not prepared and even a little nervous about meeting fellow bloggers and quilters.....I need not have been.

I don't believe I ate a single lunch alone.....the "come and join us" atmosphere permeated the event. The discussions were lively and thought provoking. Meeting so many of you was definitely a highlight for me.

Let me share a little more about my fabulous time in photos.

 Note the quilterly decor in the Convention appropriate.
Starting off with a good laugh....this was in our goody bags we received at registration.
There's Leanne hiding behind her bag.

Quilt Con 2013

The result of day of dyeing with Malka...
Hanging out with wonderful. I spent some fabulous, quality time with Beth and Chawne...unfortunately I didn't get Beth's photo. You know, too busy talking.
Taking a class with Yoshiko Jinzenji.....the quilt in the photo, is actually QAYG
Always fun chatting with Cheryl.... I discovered, not only do we live the same province, but she actually grew up, in the same small city, that I have lived in for the past thirty some years.

Quilt Con 2013
Leanne and Cheryl in awe of Yoshiko's work....but there's always time for a photo shoot.

Meeting Jacquie was definitely a highlight for me.....She is so warm and inviting, I felt as if I had known her for years.
I also took a class on hand applique from Debbie, so much fun meeting her, I love her style.  I ended up doing everything by lazy is that.
I met so many interesting people in the class, but forgot to take photos, again, to busy talking (that seems to be a running theme with me)
My purse is full of cards from wonderful people I met and I plan to find some time to go through them all and hunt them down.
Seriously, the connection was simply amazing.



  1. You and Jacquie look like long lost sisters:) Looks like you had fun! I hope I have a chance to go in 2015!!

  2. I sympathize! I'm terrible at remembering to take photos too :) I'm so glad you got to meet so many of your online friends - what fun!

  3. was amazing to meet you and get to talk quilts and politics! sorry i was so goofy in the photo. heh. xoxo

  4. What a delightful time. Next time you go, I volunteer to be your personal photographer. hehehe

  5. I sucked at photo-taking too, for the exact same reason. Marianne, it was so great to meet you in person. I bet lots of others (myself included) felt a little trepidation about meeting new people but you're absolutely right - everyone was so friendly and inclusive.

  6. I have found that most quilters are happy and friendly. I couldn't go this year but from everything I have read a good time was had by all. I LOVE the bag all the goodies came in. That a hoot!

  7. We sure had fun! And two not horrible pictures of me in one blog post, good work considering you were not taking pictures and all.

  8. I have read a lot about it and seen the free lectures at Craftsy. The Swedish quilters in common are not in for the modern style, but I love it and will try to influence more Swedish quilters. I must try to work more with FMQ on negative spaces. It looks so fun and the abstact quilts look so awesome.
    Thanks for sharing your pictures
    Britt-Inger in Sweden

  9. I'm sorry I missed you - you were on my list of people to meet! I'm so glad you had a good time :-D

  10. You are telling me that Yoshiko Jinzenji was at QuiltCon?! Now I am really kicking myself for not going! I love her work!

  11. I would love to know more about the class you took with Yoshiko Jinzenji. I have her fabric and I'm just not sure what to do/make with it.

  12. It's so nice to know others were so inclusive, especially given the somewhat exclusive attitude that that I sometimes am hearing about regarding guilds etc. Love the picture of you and Jacquie . . . someone said you look like long lost sisters and I agree.

  13. {'m sorry but I just have to say this. The fact that your work was not accepted proves my point. The "modern" quilters are confused. They don't seem to honor the history of quilting or take advantage of all the expiereced quilters. Online learing is ok. Online learing poor techniques from novice quilters is not. I think your work is incredible.

    1. Thank you. There definitely is some confusion, I'll grant you that. But I do believe many modern quilters do honour the history of quilting and I think there is an incredible amount of fabulous information online. We can find poor technique in any type of quilting or sewing....modern or traditional. Our technique or skills usually improve the more we do. The online communtity has added lots of excitement to the quilting world...I'm all for that.

  14. I've been looking forward to reading about your experiences at
    QuiltCon but before I did this morning, I looked for images of QuiltCon on Google. i was really surprised at some of the quilts that had were awarded ribbons. I must not understand modern quilting because your quilt would have definitely been one of my favourites. I'm glad that you were able to enjoy the wonderful women you met at the conference.

  15. Thank you for sharing Yoshiko! I'm going to check her out! Looks like a class I would've loved! I sure appreciate your inspirational posts! Thanks, Mari!


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