
Monday, April 8, 2013

On the Home Stretch...

I'm on the home stretch with this one, with only one more row of blocks to join. 

We had record cold temperatures last night...a really good reason to stay home and maybe even finish it off tomorrow. 

My plan is to put together a tutorial, on making these wonky curved blocks...they are much easier than one might imagine. Soon I hope, since the office work I was procrastinating on is still waiting for me. 

 I have this crazy habit of carrying my unfinished quilts all over the know, to see how they look in different lighting etc.


  1. I love this design. Thanks for showing your process on the quilt. I love the color, too.

  2. I know about carrying my unfinished work all around the house too :-) I would love a tutorial on this one! It is one awesome looking quilt.

    1. I'm glad I'm not the only one.....thanks Marjon.

  3. This is completely gorgeous, bit so is everything you make!

  4. A tutorial would be fantastic.

  5. Really? A tutorial? Maaaan....I can't wait! Thank you so much...I think it is beautiful, and I think I love you!

  6. wow! such lovely impact of the colors and curves.

  7. A tutorial will be wonderful. I've loved seeing this quilt develop and hope to try it myself.

  8. Those curvy blocks look fabulous, would love a tutorial!

  9. I just love this quilt soooooo much. Or am I just repeating myself? HA!

  10. So nice to see it hanging. Even more impressive. Hope you get to the tutorial soon...

  11. I would love to see a tutorial! Thanks!

  12. Wow! This quilt is going to be FABULOUS!!!

  13. I really enjoy seeing your posts each day in my inbox! I have yet to try a modern design but I really love this. Love your work!

  14. These are so warming to my heart. I too have been making art pieces in segments for years. I began with t-shirt quilts in segments, then most recently I'm using this technique in the Smithers 2013 Centennial Quilt. Check out my blog at

    There is a wonderful world of segment quilting going on, its so exciting! Your work of art is inspiring!!

  15. Absolutely stunning! I'm looking forward to reading your tutorial. Great job, thanks!

  16. I really like how this is turning out. Please do put together a curve tutorial.

  17. A truly stunning quilt. Yes please on the tutorial!

  18. so excited for a tutorial! thank you!!!!!

  19. I LOVE, LOVE, Love this quilt!!!! It's at the top of my fav's that you've done so far. I'm SO looking forward to a tutorial!!

    Since I started using your QAYG method a year ago or so, I don't ever want to go back to quilting any other way. I'm basically lazy and for me this is so much quicker. At least I'm finishing quilts now where in the past when I was just doing traditional quilting (which I hate!), I'd get bored with it because it was taking me so long to reach the finish line. Not to's a lot easier to quilt blocks then it is to wrestle a large quilt (at least it is for me). Thanks so much for all your wonderful inspiration and great tutorials! Keep'em comin' :)

    1. It is a wonderful way to work isn't it!! You're so welcome.

  20. Geez lady,I found your blog on another blog and I have been here for TWO HOURS!!! I've subscribed,added you to my face,bumped you up to the top of my face,read every post,drooled,ran to show my husband your quilts,geeeeeezzzzzzz!!!!! I quilt on a big old' Gammill but this method...your quilts...your designs...well I'm humbled.I HAVE to do up at least 1 quilt using your wonky circle qayg with those skinny strips quilted w my walking foot,using my shot cottons and do it just like you do lol!!! Please. Please!!! Do us a huge on these wonky circles!! I'll shut up now. Amie :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)

  21. I really love your blog..... love your style and designs.... you are making us think outside of our creative comfort zone.......looking forward to your tutorial...


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