
Sunday, May 19, 2013

Ripple Effect II / Bloggers Quilt Festival

My usual tendency is to work on multiple projects, but every now and again, I stick to a quilt from start to finish, unable to stop. Ripple Effect II is one of those quilts.

Ripple Effect II (50" x 68")

One Sunday afternoon, I went down to the studio feeling restless and to be honest in a bit of funk, with a lot on my mind. I started playing with some wonky, curved piecing.

The quilt seemed to make itself as I tapped into the melancholy side of my temperament. I was hooked!! A little over three weeks later the quilt was done.

I was surprised by the visual impact the over-sized blocks created.

Life is not always easy....relationships  are often complex. The ripple effect of our words and actions can work for us or against us. Negativity and criticism can spread like a cancer, taking on a life of their own but positive actions and words also have a ripple effect.

As I quilted the individual blocks with ripple like quilting I thought of the many positive actions by others that have effected my life....and how even a smile or kind word can have a huge effect on someone else.

This quilt is my personal reminder........I would much rather have positive effect in this world than a negative. In other words....I do need to bite my tongue now and again or should I say on a regular basis.

I'm submitting this quilt in this year's Blogger's quilt Festival over at Amy's Creative Side. Amy does a wonderful job of putting together this amazing quilt show....pop over and enjoy, you won't be disappointed. Thanks Amy, this is always such an amazing event.

Spring Blogger's Quilt Festival -


  1. Quilting gives us so much doesn't it?
    Another masterpiece!

  2. This is such a brilliant quilt - and all the more meaningful because of your thoughtful insight. Thanks!

  3. this is just a wonderful example of your work! I always love the freedom and movement that you achieve, Your write-up is spot on, and I will also try to remember to bite my tongue so as not to be negative. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Every year I always love you quilts! I followed along as you made this one and it is so beautiful!

  5. This is such a wonderful quilt. I especially love to see the colours you will use as they are so different from the ones I would pick but I end up just loving them. This quilt is a fantastic entry into the festival.

  6. I've loved this quilt as I watched it progress, and I'm so glad you entered it in the Blogger's Quilt Festival. While I truly understand your feelings about negativity and biting your tongue, I also think there's nothing wrong with respectfully sharing an opinion that is different from the majority. Say it gently, but keep saying it!

  7. Ooooh - do I ever like this...! I'm adding it to my inspiration list.

  8. Wonderful post, and the quilt is amazing!

  9. Fantastic example of harnessing the creative impulse and letting things flow! Beautiful quilt!

  10. Very smart and sharp looking!

  11. What a beautiful way to remind yourself to be kind! I followed along on this quilt too - I really must try your technique! You make it look so easy - your creativity is wonderful to watch.

  12. This is fantastic! Thanks for sharing it!

  13. This is really stunning, Mari. One of my favourites of yours!

  14. I hate coming to your blog and writing a comment. I'm running out of synonyms for I like, I love, wow it's wonderful... this one is my favourite. I'm going to just start using a word or symbol, and you will know what I mean by it. that I want to drink in your style and love it no matter what you produce. Your future books (?) will be coffee table books. You just have such an amazing flair for this. This one is really special Marianne. :-)

  15. I can only say "Wow", to the quilt and to the sentiments that inspired it and drove the process. Quilting truly does feed and free the soul!

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.


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