
Friday, May 3, 2013

The Morning After

 I'm having a love hate moment.....or a bad case of Quilter's Regret.

After an evening of merrily cutting and sewing......

 I woke up this morning and walked past the design wall with a "What Was I Thinking??" reaction.
That's the trouble with idea if this is going to work or not. And I wouldn't have it any other way.


  1. I've had so many of those "what was I thinking?" quilting moments. Often I find that if I just let it be for a few days on my wall, I come up with a way to modify the design to suit me. I feel like you went there for a reason, and you are probably close to where you want to be with it, but we don't always get it "right" on the first attempt. It's what makes improv piecing so rich and fun! Enjoy the process!!!

  2. I'm curious to know what it is you don't like about this? color, composition, fabric?

    I do like the lower right piece, the green with the gray and blue is very nice.

    1. Good question...I'm not really sure yet. I'm going to leave it sit for a while and play some more later. It feels too bold somehow.

  3. You know, its kinda good to hear that someone as talented as you has moments like that too!!!

  4. Welcome to my world--come on right in--all too often this is my reaction to the "morning after" a sewing session. Well, it always brings me down to reality and re-assessing. I agree with Karen, maybe it just needs something else and shouldn't stand alone...I do like the colorways,,,Julierose

  5. That just means it's not done yet!
    Have fun taking it where it decides it wants to go.

  6. oh, there's so much potential here, though! let it marinate...

  7. Am sure you are just in the middle of making something stunning! Can't wait for your tutorial...

  8. I was so blown away by your last quilt that this one doesn't have that impact (yet) for me. I know you are WAY more creative (and patient??) than I am because if something doesn't "speak" to me from the beginning when it's on my design wall, down it comes and it's time to start over....but that's just me :)

    Looking forward to see what you'll do with this one.

    1. I have a love hate relationship with lots of my work....all part of the process for me.

  9. Frustration.....sometimes it looks r-e-a-l-l-y good inside your head, but when you pull it out of there you feel it just doesn't look as good in the light of day!!

    I'm laughing at seeing the pieces thrown down there on the bench. Just let it lay there for a day or two and then see if it talks to you better!!

  10. huh. here i think it looks mad cool. but i like being contrary, lol.

  11. Hi!!! Yes I am with krista...mad cool or awesome!!!

  12. I like it all, the introduction of the pinky type prints can be really exciting snippet of something here. Keep going this will come around I'm sure of it.

  13. LOL - Morning after, indeed! Been there/done that and of course, you know what I would do with those blocks. You'll find your own path, no doubt, and make something delicious, as usual.

    I still wanna be you when I grow up:-)


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