So, what's up with all these QAYG angular shapes?? Well, in my experience triangles and any other odd angled piecing can be tricky!! Matching those little points, which naturally never quite match up and let's not mention those crazy bias edges!! And if that's not enough, how do you get that nice angular quilting? Doing it this way bypasses so many of those problems.
As my husband is off for another week of sailing....yes another whole week, no wonder I feel no guilt when I find my self wandering off to the nearest quilt shop.....I'm playing with some very sail like shapes myself.
I'm experimenting with angular shaped pieces of batting rather than my regular square ones, which will be joined together after being quilted. Is there any advantage to that, you might ask?? I hope so....the emphasis being on the word experimenting.
As you can see, there is definitely an advantage when it comes to quilting the straight line angles that I so love. If I was quilting with a long arm, ruler work would most likely be required. Or, if I was quilting the whole pieced top at once I would have to wrestle and turn that quilt under the machine multiple times.....not my idea of a good time!!
All the different angles are leading to a few unexpected surprises as well.
My motto is....... let the unexpected take you, where perhaps your imagination would not have.