
Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Upside of a Migraine

There's an upside to a migraine??? this case it was the aura before the headache that set my creativity in motion. Or perhaps it was the drug I take to ward off the headache itself, that was speaking to me. 
Let me back up a little....I had some inspiration floating around in my brain but no idea how to execute it simply (that's the lazy gene in me). So as I was working on other projects my brain was searching for solutions. 
Then one evening, last week, out of nowhere an aura hit..... For those of you fortunate beings that don't suffer migraines, an aura is a visual disturbance that indicates a migraine is on the way. Shimmering lights and visual patterns explode in front of your eyes for about twenty minutes before the headache hits. I'm very fortunate that mine aren't severe and if I pop one of my pills right at the onset...the headache is stopped in it's tracks.
Funny thing with a migraine......I seem to have a heightened sense of creatively. Now I have never researched this thought, but have noticed it on several occasions. This time it was the actual flashing lights that sent me running for my note pad......
 Several pages of illegible notes later....and I just might have my solution.

I'm back on the west coast and just might have time to make sense of those notes. It just might develop into a new quilt....which I will name Aura. There were so many ideas flying ......perhaps a series???
 Hmm... let's see if I can make sense of all the crazy jargon in that little striped note book.
This might actually work....or it could be a bust, those migraine drugs can make one a little loopy.


  1. I had to smile while reading your post. I still have the notebook where I wrote down all my ideas during a migraine on a flight home from Houston. I agree that migraines often seem to come with bursts of creativity. My creativity would come just before, I would get an idea (or more) and then would lay with the migraine, unable to work on the ideas until it passed. (You are lucky--mine used to last three days, almost every time.) They aren't quite so bad as I get older (not sure if that is a good trade-off or not some days) Good luck on your inspiration--I'm guessing your aura will be great!

  2. Well if you have to have a migraine it is better to come with the inspiration than not!!!! Your drawings look very creative!!!! Can't wait to see it!!!!

  3. I've experienced the aura too - and like you, it effect me with a creative burst of energy. I can't wait to see what comes of yours. :)

  4. I get the aura but no headache afterward. I'll have to pay attention next time. It usually lasts 20-30 minutes and moves. Sometimes I can't see what I'm looking at...only the edges. I'll have to see if I get a creative boost next time! Almost something to look forward too!

  5. ah darn i don;t get flashing lights or thank goodness a headache but i do write mirror image with my left hand

  6. the migraine is definitely no fun, but if you're getting inspiration, that is a good thing, especially if your drugs stop the headache itself from happening. I get migraines, but unfortunately I've never noticed any heightened creativity. Maybe next time?! although my aura is fairly subtle, just a few lightning bolts, no big flashes or explosions...

  7. I never thought of translating my aura’s into something so creative! My migraines are often the result of a creative boost and not the origin.
    Curious to see what you’re going to make, a series sounds wonderful!

  8. really interesting, I'd never connected my auras with creativity - mine also tend to come after a burst of activity on all fronts - looking forward to seeing what ensues!

    1. I have no scientific evidence of course.....but looking back, there seems to be a spike in my creativity in the aftermath of the headache or in this case during the aura as well. I can't wait to try some of these ideas out.

  9. Good for you--my migraines usually send me to bed in a dark room with my poor head buried in my pillow! Can't wait to see where your "aura" has led you! Julierose

  10. But you'll have so much fun trying to work it out :)

  11. Oh my, that's quite a price to pay for a creative burst! But it's good you can make good of it. This will be interesting to see the quilt develop.

  12. I've never had a migraine (or many other headaches either, lucky me). But the thing is -- now I want auras. Migraines are bad but those auras sound wonderful! HA! Your creativity is astounding. Loving the ideas. (I also love how your notebook matches your box of fabric!!!)

  13. I get auras about 75% of the time I get migraines but no creative bursts there. Usually I'm struggling to see what ever I need to look at when they come. I get Botox injections for mine now because I had them so frequently. I noticed someone else on here said they never had a headache once they had an aura. That used to be the only absolute...if I had the aura, pain was following soon!I get some relief from pain meds but it's much better since the Botox!I'll be interested to see where this creative burst takes you...

  14. I've had migraines for a very long time, although I just started getting treatment for them. They come with insomnia, periods of mild hyperactivity, and a flood of creativity. Endless poems, short stories, drawings, and an insatiable need to create things and ideas just get vomited out of me in the little shreds of time in between the headaches. I also get that way with colds sometimes - right before I get a cold I get super hyperactive and creative for a few days, then I collapse and die for a week, and come back totally normal (well, normal for me ^_^).

    1. So interesting, I'm so glad you're getting treatment for them...they can be brutal.


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