Wednesday, August 28, 2013

How Rude!!

Look what I found pinned to my design wall!!!! 
What could this possibly have to do with me???? Hmmm....
Speaking of things pinned to the design wall....Ripple Effect II has been accepted into the Modern Quilt Challenge!!! Yippee!!!!!!

Now, to make a hanging sleeve and ship it off.

Meanwhile, I'm still working on Autumn's Quilt.

Also, I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to answer my questionnaire on quilting have no idea how helpful I'm finding this. I'm letting the info simmer and will be back with a follow up post in the near future.
Thanks are the best!! 


  1. I have just read ALL the comments from the teaching post through as a whole Everything nailed down I'd say. I spent my working life as a High School Art Teacher. Preparation and permission to try something different are the keys to a good class.

    I started reading your blog about the time of the Aura Quilt. Go back and read all the related posts as a whole and you have a lesson plan for that concept.

    I have just finished a spiral walking foot quilted block thanks to your tutorials. Go Girl

    One of the nicest classes I ever attended included a bring scraps to share. It was an amazing way to interact and personalize the work. Wouldn't work for pattern type quilt class but great for improve and experiment.

    Have Fun

  2. Congratulations on the quilting being accepted into the show!
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie

  3. all of your quilts are so beautiful and deserve to win any challenge they are entered in.

  4. Congratulations on the quilt being accepted into the Quilt show!!

  5. A big congrats for being accepted into the Modern Quilt Challenge. I hope you win! I just love this quilt.
    I am "materialistic" too. LOL.

  6. Awesome news about the quilt. Congratulations! I tried to leave a comment on the last post but the keyboard kept freezing on me! I don't take classes from people I know nothing about. If you were to take a class I would be off like a whore's drawers because it was you and your work inspires me, so I think you are already half way there! Love the cartoon...would suit a few of us I think...

  7. Congrats!!!! Your work really deserves to be shown. And I LOVE the comic strip. So perfect for most of us.

  8. Marianne, Congratulations on Ripple Effect II being accepted!!! That is an amazing quilt. I've watched since you happened on this technique and just love it.

  9. congratulations on the challenge! love the cartoon.

  10. Your quilt is amazing. I'm so happy it will get to be displayed.

  11. Love that cartoon! Showed it to my DH on our anniversary and he laughed out loud!

    Congrats on the challenge! Love your work!

  12. Wow, just found your website and appreciate you taking the time to do all the tutorials!! Is there any way to print out your tutorials? I would like to ready your instructions and study them. Thank you, from Redding, California.



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