
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Modern Quilt Guild Fibrations

On my way to St. Ann's Academy, I couldn't resist a shot of these lovely flowers. 

And here we are at Victoria's Modern Quilt Guild's booth. So many fabulous quilts on display. 

Aren't they beautiful!!
I even got to bring a couple of my might recognize the unfinished Aura I and My Not So Negative Quilt.

I had a wonderful time meeting and hanging out with Brenda, Nicole and Jo-Anne. These girls put on a wonderful display.

As you can see, the booth generated lots of interest....what an exciting way to introduce the guild.

 I even got the opportunity to show off Ripple Effect II 
Fran & Gail

Such an enjoyable afternoon.....nothing beats spending time chatting with fellow quilters!
Thanks for a wonderful time, ladies!!!


  1. Love your quilts! Found you via Jeni Baker's weekly Flikr favorites.

  2. Great display. I'm sure the MQG booth was a big draw. Something extra special about seeing all the quilts together.

  3. Looks like you met some fun quilters!

  4. The quilts are so pretty! Wish I could have been there!

  5. It's a great display. Congrats to MQG Victoria for getting started.

  6. I LOVE your work! I can't believe they didn't accept Colour Shot into the show. It was the first quilt that caught my eye in Modern Patchwork magazine and how I found your blog. Thank you for sharing your great tutorials and inspiring art.

  7. I would have loved to be there. i never have attended a Modern Quilt Show but have seen some beautiful quilts here and there. Your quilt is amazing! I would have loved to walk around the grounds of my old school and can't believe how dry the grass is!


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