
Friday, September 20, 2013


WE ARE MOVING......three words destined to strike fear in the heart of any obsessed serious fabric hoarder collector!!!  

As as usual, my ability to focus has vanished and I find my self either running in circles like a chicken with it's head cut off or being totally immobilized in typical deer in the headlights fashion. Or worse yet, I'm procrastinating even making myself what will most certainly be a very long to do list, by window shopping for things I might but don't really need for the move.

Also, out of the blue, my design wall fell down.....hmm, it must be a sign that it's time to move. Maybe I need to switch to a heavier duty command strip to hold them up. As much as I love command strips....this is my first mishap, I don't recommend hanging anything breakable with them, such as mirrors or framed pictures with glass.  Just sayin'....

So here we go....time to pack up hundreds of meters of fabric and other quilting paraphernalia....sigh

It's times like these, that the words "I'll take the whole bolt" turn around and bite you in the....well, you know where. And that's not even thinking about moving the long arm!!! 
Plus the house has to look good for potential buyers.....oh dear. 

But before you feel too sorry for me (you do feel sorry for me, don't you??), the condo we are moving to has a walkout basement with a lovely view. And yes, I snagged it for my sewing studio. Plus...yes, there is another plus, there is loads of storage space!!!!! 

Between prepping for my upcoming retreat and moving I might just be wee tad bit busy. I'll keep you posted.


  1. Dear Marianne,

    toi, toi, toi that means good luck for the change. It will keep you young and you`ll find a lot of things one had forgotten they were there and surely during the process there will occur a lot of ideas for new projekt etc. Your blog-lovers will follow you whereever you might go.
    Best wishes Ulla from Germany

  2. Good luck with the move! Might we see a picture or two of your new sewing space? I look forward to more posts when you get back at it!
    From a fellow Canadian (Ontario)!

  3. Good luck with the move and selling the house! You have some wonderful things to look forward to! Moving always is a great opportunity to look through all you have collected through the years...

  4. Between the headless chicken and the deer we have a clear picture of you!! :) After my last move I had limited access to my stash so a new class emerged using charm squares - you never know! Regards from New Zealand

  5. I do feel sorry for you but I love your beautiful wooden table, runner and vase of flowers, and your new place sounds wonderful...actually, I'm now feeling less sorry for you! ;-)

  6. Good luck ! You are giving me palpitations! We added to our house a few years back cos I didn't want to move.

    It will be great to unpack in the new sewing space and find out what you have!

  7. are you moving house or moving cities or provinces? best wishes for patience and perseverance in the packing up and prettying up your house for sale.

  8. Good luck with the move! Can't imagine anything worse than having to pack away everything you need for your creative life...hope it goes quickly!

  9. O yes, I do feel sorry for you, allright?? Good luck with your move. I hope we will hear from you quickly?

  10. Busy is an understatement! All the best with the move.

  11. moving will be a hassle, but your home studio in the basement will be amazing! good luck!

  12. Sounds like your new studio will be fabulous! Best get moving before the snow flies! lol!

  13. OMG - My friend Hilda had me read your post. I'm prepping for a move from Arizona to New Mexico now and every aspect of your post sounds like I could have written it. I'll be so glad when my move is complete! Hope yours goes smoothly!

  14. Your house always looks beautiful, but packing is no fun. In the end it will be wonderful.

  15. Good luck with the move! No matter what, moving is never fun...but being in a new space usually is. :)

  16. lots of storage and a workspace with a view? no sympathy tears here. The runner is so pretty and I the image of a hybrid headless chicken and a wide eyed deer is spot on- so true - a perfect cartoon subject to sketch or quilt inspiration

  17. I love that you were packing with dairy queen crunch boxes, those are good boxes...brought back memories... good luck!

  18. I wondered where you've been :) UGH!!!!.....moving!! We've done it SO MANY TIMES:( I don't envy matter what the view or storage space....haha. I say...get the movers to pack up and you just supervise :) Don't forget to take LOTS of pics for us. Good luck selling your place.

  19. I completely kow what you are going through. It's stressful and I totally inserts and the chicken with a head cut off statement. But change is always good, and the move will make you sort through and rearrange all of those luscious colours you may have forgotten about. Good luck!

  20. Good luck, glad the sacrifice of now will be worth it for later.

  21. Wow! I don't envy you the moving part. I get all chickeny when someone just mentions moving from one home to another. Sounds as if you have a grand new space, so that will make up for the packing, moving, unpacking part. I will have that staring me in the face in a few months, if all goes as planned. I will be looking forward to any tips for packing up tons of fabrics and loads of accessories. I'll be needing them. ;-) Good luck with the sale of your home and the new home.

  22. To me, moving is stress stress stress! Not just moving the stuff, but where will you be in relation to the children and grandkids? That's what I would worry about. Plus, as I get older, I like knowing my doctor, hair dresser, quilt buddies, etc. etc. So I would not look forward to moving where I have to re-establish myself again. The sewing stuff can be a comfort, though.

  23. I'm happy to hear that I am not the only one who gets immobilized by change or runs in circles. I feel your pain! we are emptying our kitchen for demo and remodel and I can't believe how much stuff is in there

  24. Remember to nourish yourself and not just those boxes as you prepare for the move. Fun fun fun finding things you had forgotten you had. Haven't moved from our current property in 36 years so can't imagine what it must be like!

  25. Good luck!! That fabric is HEAVY to move, too. When we relocated to Colorado last year, there were 26 large moving boxes of quilting fabrics and batting. . . kinda crazy, but it gets used :) You'll have fun unpacking it all and getting a real good go-through of it all!

  26. Oh my . . . moving is always huge. I wish you the best and pray it goes smoothly. The bright light at the end of the moving tunnel will be a lovely bright new studio to look forward to.

  27. Sounds like it is a move for the better, but best of luck just the same. :)

  28. Sounds like it is a move for the better, but best of luck just the same. :)

  29. We have moved seven times since I started quilting. My quilt room and books take up a lot and we have a weight limit--over that we pay for the extra weight. Then there are my quilts, which take up another ten boxes... Last move is to our retirement house, hooray! Best wishes for a good move.

  30. I've given away a whole fabric store of quilting fabrics. Seems like it anyway. We've moved too much! Now we're staying put in a place way to small for us mucl less anything else. Your new place sounds lovely. Hope you'll have lots of quilting space. Will the long arm fit? Good luck on the sale of your house, too! We'll all miss you but totally understand the horrors of moving. Best wishes!!

  31. The last time I moved the realty company lets you use their 20' box truck for free - all you have to do is fill it with gas. Well, I used it twice - once for moving just my sewing stuff! I feel your pain!

  32. Eeek! I would hate to have to move all the stuff in my workshop/studio - you just get it how you want it and how it 'works' for you and then ... you have to start over somewhere else! Nevermind, you will get there in the end and it will be even better!! xCathy

  33. Moving can be good. Right? I have a design wall comment. I made mine from your tutorial and I love it!!! I found that a couple of teeny tiny nails underneath each panel help the command strips with their load. Thanks.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. We moved five times in four years (including Vancouver to Nova Scotia AND BACK!) so I completely understand. At least we've been settled now for two and a half lovely years.

    It will be worth it in the end. Hang in there.


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