
Friday, November 1, 2013

Leech Therapy...the Beauty of the Leech

 I have always found leeches to particularly gruesome....NOT ANYMORE!!! 

My amazing son had an accident with a saw.....several severed fingers later, we find ourselves embracing the beauty of the leech. The leeches are placed on the reattached finger every two hours, in order to keep the blood flowing. 

My son took the picture on the left, taking note of the leech's beautiful colours, as it does it's job. Ever the science teacher, he is quite fascinated and ever the artist, I found him sketching leeches on his iPad, with his good hand. 

Watching our son in pain has been extremely difficult but we are so thankful it wasn't any worse and that it's not his primary hand.

Ever the quilter, I went looking for some quilty inspiration in the hospital, as he rested.
My son's strength and humor in this difficult situation is an inspiration to me.....I'm so privileged to be the mother of such an amazing young man. 


  1. Wow, had no idea that leeches were used in the medical world. Prayers with your son for a successful and speedy recovery.

  2. Sweet baby jebus! Wishing your son a swift and trouble-free recovery. And lots of calming thoughts for you...

  3. Marianne, I so hope the treatment will work and your son will recover as soon as possible. I knew about leeches, but I had no idea they are this beautiful colourwise and shapewise too. Good that you are still able to look for inspiration around you, must be what keeps you sane in situations like this.

  4. I've heard of this before, but never of anyone who had first hand knowledge. I hope your son heals swiftly. It looks like a pretty amazing hospital he is in, and they obviously are at the forefront of ideas in care if they have leaches on hand for situations like your son's.

  5. How wonderful that those leeches can make a difference in having your son’s finger healed! Wishing him all the best and a speedy recovery. It’s nice to see you can find beauty in all circumstances! Take care!

  6. Leeches really are amazing creatures! I hope your son heals quickly.

  7. Oh my, Mari, keeping you both in my thoughts!

  8. He clearly is a wonderful person, and I am so glad that he is getting great care. The leeches are an interesting therapy, I sure hope he recovers well.

  9. Wow....Hoping for a full recovery. I always have to wonder, who was the FIRST person to suggest..."hey, lets put some leeches on these fingers and see what happens....."

  10. Wow. Just wow. Sending out wishes for a quick recovery …And thinking of you as well.

  11. Isn't it amazing how everything in God's world has a good use - if we only find it.
    I am so glad to hear that he is recovering nicely and is in good spirit.

  12. What an amazing thing using leeches I too am squeamish around them but they are nicely colored. Praying for a complete recovery.

  13. I've read about using leeches for this job and also to help diabetics get blood into limbs... what amazing things they are! Also maggots (hated the things) but I've heard that they will eat away the rotted flesh to help healing too... just amazing!

  14. I've seen leeches used this way, with success. Best wishes for a quick recovery to your talented and open-minded son. I recognize the hospital, they saved my daughter's life there, and have my thanks for world class treatment. Thinking of you and your family.

  15. I was a nurse many years ago and knew they used leeches back then but didn't know they still used them. They are incredible little creatures :) How amazing your son has such a wonderful attitude. That means a lot during the healing process. I'll keep you all in my prayers.

    1. Thanks Colleen....I agree his positive attitude will be very helpful in his recovery.

  16. A speedy recovery to your son! I'm sure it has been a scary time for all of you. All the best!

  17. Hope your son will recover totally. What a shock! Love your photos and quilters mind. Did you notice that the colours in the leech and the colours on the exhibition piece in the hall are similar? very nice !

  18. I hope your son will recover fully with complete function of his fingers! Ugh! I am completely fascinated with leech therapy - I've seen it many times on tv and in nerdy science articles I read ;-) I see a quilt in that leech photo. Is that weird? It looks like a MariQuilts quilt!

  19. I am adding your son to my prayers. I had a hand injury several years ago and lost the function of three fingers on my right hand ( I'm right handed). but through determination and therapy I now can do almost everything that I ever did before. I just do things a little differently than before. Life goes on and life is good.
    God bless,
    Your blogging sister, Connie :)

  20. Best wishes to your son & wishing him a quick recovery & rehab.

  21. When life presents us with hardships and challenges, I believe the truly wise and creative always rise above. Sounds like your son and you both are in that category. Sending healing thoughts for a full recovery for your son.

  22. Lord, what a horrible accident.... I hope the alternative (Victorian) treatment works for your son and that he has a speedy recovery. I've seen tv programmes where they've used leeches and maggots with great success - it's great that he is in a 'progressive' medical centre.
    From what my mum has said about an aunts recent knee replacement surgery, if she'd had maggot therapy on the infected wound she would possibly still have here lower leg......
    My prayers are with you.....

  23. Awesome photo of the leech! Guess he will really have something interesting to share with his students when he is up and about! I'm sure he'll have fun grossing them out!;)

  24. I am praying for your son's complete recovery and for you all during this time!

  25. I'm so sorry to hear about your son's accident. My husband had a run in with a planer these things are definitely scary. On the humorous side now both he and your son can teach "shop" class. I do hope all goes well and think it's quite fascinating that our "modern' medicine has become more accepting of older/ancient medical practices. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.

  26. Your son IS amazing. I hope he's done with the chain saw now! How scary for him and his mama! Glad he's responding with such grace and ease!

  27. Glad to hear that he is doing okay. Modern science is truly amazing. Take care and I'm sure a new quilt design will come out of this experience.

  28. I pray your son and his hand will recover well. Amazing that something like leeches can be put to such good use. Still no fan of them though. I couldn't even look at the picture.

  29. Oh my goodness! What a horrible accident! I hope he makes. Full recovery

    1. Whoops! He sounds like a trooper, and I'll bet he's thinking if ways to use the leeches in his classes! Best wishes for him!

  30. So sorry to hear that he is in pain ... happy to hear that it is not as bad as it could have been ... strength to all ...

  31. So sorry to hear about your son. We will keep him and your family in our prayers.
    Love the hospital photos - there is inspiration there for all of us!

  32. Sorry to hear about your son, I hope he will recover fast...
    I've discovered your blog and your work a few days ago, I just love it, thanks you for the tutos, and all the beautiful art, and I'm amazed you keep finding inspiration through hard times... Bravo, et courage!

  33. How could such an amazing, talented woman not raise an amazing, talented man such as your son. With an attitude like his, he will come out just fine; but, I'm sending good wishes towards you both anyway!!

    xo Linda

  34. Two years ago my dad injured his thumb seriously and after seven hours of surgery to repair internal damage, the doctors also used leeches to get the blood flowing. I'm happy to report the treatment worked and he has good use of his thumb. The leeches were flown into winnipeg from New York, btw.

  35. Ack! What a terrible thing to be going through. I had never heard about the leech therapy. Here's to your son's fingers being happy again one day. (were they able to reattach all of them?) And it's cool that they use pretty leeches. ;D

  36. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I hope for a speedy recovery.

  37. Sending your son and alll your family prayers for a speedy and full recovery. I think I'd have difficulty watching those leeches, but if they do the trick... Sounds like he's pretty resiliant, which is important for healing as well!

  38. Oh,my goodness, Marianne - best to you and to your brave and handsome son for a fast recovery. i had heard that leeches are in favor again and there must be a good reason. Sometimes low tech is the best. Hugs and my thoughts flying toward you. best, Rayna

  39. I am just catching up on my blog reading to see this news about your son. Oh I sure hope he is recovering quickly although I know it will take time to regain feel and movement. Please let us know how he is getting along.

  40. Marianne,
    I've been way behind on blogs - I'm so sorry to hear about your son's accident! It sounds as if he is doing well - wishing him a thorough and speedy recovery!

  41. oh, goodness. i'm sorry i missed this. i hope that he is on the mend and will be back to almost usual soon. xoxo

  42. sorry is missed this part of your life...i guess i have been way to busy in my an ER nurse i embrace leeches...yes yes yes bring on the leeches...

  43. Very touching. Hope the healing is going well. I just loved reading this. I love how you wrote that he inspired you. I feel that way with my children too. Its beautiful. And the part about the leeches. Thats amazking that something so gross could do something so beautiful. Goes to show- take nothing for granted and beauty is only skin deep.


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