
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2013......a bit of a ROLLER COASTER RIDE

As I reflect over the past year, the words UNEXPECTED, CHANGE, TRANSITION and LOSS come to mind. Blogging is a bit like keeping a journal, something I have never had any success at, in the past. So, to realize I have been consistently blogging for the past three years is exciting. It's wonderful to be able to look back over the last years...lest I forget things, which I have been known to do on occasion, alright on a regular basis.

First things first, in the year 2012, I was shocked to discover only one quilt finish....I made a conscious decision to change that.

I'm pleased to report SEVEN finishes in the year 2013!!!!

Entering Ripple Effect II in the Modern Quilt Challenge and having it win first place in the Piecing Category was definitely a highlight. Having my quilt travel for a year is the icing on the cake......I do love my icing!!! 

An unexpected request, from Meander publishing, to write a two part article on Quilt-As-You-Go proved to be rather challenging as I had to do my own photography as well, but seeing my work rewarding.

 Another unexpected call led to Aura I  featured in the Limelight section of Modern Quilts Unlimited. I was actually standing in Staples getting Ripple Effect II ready for mailing, when my cell phone rang. Next thing I knew, I was off doing a photo shoot at Beacon Hill Park.

Having Colour Shot in Amy Ellis's article, in Modern Patchwork, was another lovely surprise. I ordered the magazine not realizing it was in yes I admit....... it sort of really made my day!!!
So glad Leanne talked me into going to Quilt Con!!!!!!! 

Teaching at my first amazing experience for me, with a retreat recap still to come.

Moving.....which occurred a few days after the retreat, crazy times!!! 

I actually learned to love leeches that is UNEXPECTED. 

My son experienced loss, but I'm so happy to report he has not lost his positive spirit.......a hero in my eyes. Love you, Mark!!!!

Speaking of loss.......I'm forty pounds down since last year at this time, and my knees are thanking me!!

It's been a year of ups and downs....I hit my sixtieth birthday and my fortieth wedding anniversary, milestones indeed. Some days the roller coaster ride left me reeling......did I mention I'm not particularly fond of roller coasters?? So in the midst of personal triumph, there have been tears as hope is to find  creative inspiration in both.

Here's to a wonderful New Year



  1. Congratulations on so many achievements! I am thrilled for you and hope you have even more amazing and successful year ahead.

  2. Wow! You have had a very full year, haven't you. that is something that I enjoy about blogging . . . you can look back and actually see that you have accomplished more than you remember :) I'm celebrating my second year Blogging Anniversary with a “Give-A-Way”, so come visit and get your name in the hat :)
    Your blogging sister, Connie

  3. Happy New Year to you. I think Mark is amazing and I sure love your quilts. It has been so fun to see you accomplish all of this over the year, I can't wait to see what next year brings.

  4. Simply put: WOW. Your quilting has been a source of awe, and I'm sorry to say I did not realize our quilts were traveling in the modern challenge show together - love that! Blessings as we enter a new year - certainly hope there's less roller-coasting for you & your family!

  5. You've had quite a year! Let's hope you continue coasting along in 2014!

  6. Your work is so inspiring. And I hit 60 last year and my 40th anniversary also. Congrats on that and your success.

  7. Wishing you a happy (and peaceful) 2014 xx

  8. You have certainly accomplished a lot. I want to thank you especially for the post on Elmer's glue. You were so impressed by it that I couldn't wait to have a project where I could apply that technique. Like you, I am totally amazed with that simple technique. I feel like it made my project so much easier to manage and the finish was even better. Thanks for making a big deal out of the Elmer's glue.

  9. What a ride indeed! Congratulations to you on maintaining a great spirit throughout your ups and downs. All the best to you in 2014. You are an inspiration.

  10. You have had quite a year! I hope that 2014 brings less of a 'ride' and more of a 'coast'! Congrats on all of your huge milestones and wishing you a Happy New Year!

  11. I tried to post earlier, but, it didn't show up, so, here goes again. I love all your thoughts and knowledge you share with all of us. I have learned loads from you over the past couple of years. I thank you so much for sharing. I have finished three QAYG quilts thanks to your amazing tutorials. Here is to another amazing year of quilts, learning, and, sharing,

  12. You've had an amazing year! and just look at all your really beautiful quilts! I'm sorry it's been mixed, life tends to do that, and I'm hoping that the mix in the coming year will be way in favour of the positives! Congratulations on all your achievements and for this post. Having had some family illness in mypersonal mix, I have missed much and sooo good to catch up! Happy New Year! xx

  13. I love all of your work - at present I am trying to clear the decks or should I say stacks of finished tops with no bottoms - my goal is to make a back for ever top I have and get them quilted - using fabric that I already own (no buying more) then I hope to start some sort of improve piece - or maybe it is time to start my bottled rainbows quilt - time will tell. I love all of your work - you are an inspiration to all of us who aspire to become "modern" quilters.

  14. You've had a good quilting year and I'm looking forward to 2014 with your blog. Your work is always inspiring to me.

  15. It is always so much fun for me to see your quilts again!! You are an inspiration to get me trying new things. Congratulations on all your accomplishments, and Happy New Year!

  16. Happy New Year to you Marianne! 2013 sure has been a challenging year for you and even more of an accomplishment to finish so many beautiful quilts!

  17. Such a fabulous way of putting 2013 into words, a roller coaster indeed. So very many ups and downs and so very few finishes in my house, I'm hoping to follow your lead and go from one complete quilt to several this year. Happy New Year to you xx

  18. Each morning I check your blog for a new post. And if here stays the post I hadn't red I know it will be a wonderful day. The posts are always full of inspiration, so exciting and powerful. Thank you for all you create.
    HAPPY New Year ! xoxo

  19. May your new year have many more highs than lows! XOXOX

  20. Mari~ Thanks for being "here". Happy New Year to ya. New discoveries and new horizons.

  21. Mari~ Thanks for being "here". Happy New Year to ya. New discoveries and new horizons.

  22. wish you and your family a happy new year. Things each year, a new challenge for me now that I found out your blog. Wonderful job, and thanks to the publication of certain work processes. Wish you good health and good times. Marika Hungary.

    1. Thanks so much....Happy New Year to you as well!!

  23. You are a blessing to so many! Happy wishes for another great and exciting year!

  24. What a year! And it was so good to meet you as well.

  25. what a wonderful recap of your year - so many exciting things that happened - congratulations!

  26. What a great post! You have accomplished so much this year...much deserved recognition as your quilts are are truly art.


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