
Sunday, December 15, 2013

Enough with the Moving and Unpacking!!!!

It's official, I'm taking a break from anything moving and unpacking related!!! And that's final!!!! As long as the main living spaces of the house are livable, I'm good for now. 
 As you can see....things are starting to shape up for now. Aren't those those the most amazing, adjustable stools I just "happened on" the other day!! It's incredible what one can find at Homesense. 
A new round table for the kitchen. 
 The living room is coming along as well....the old furniture went downstairs and off we went furniture shopping.
 Some new, modern type, french doors seem to give the place a little more updated feel.....eleven new doors later!!! 
Yikes, we are a little out of control, but trust me they were a really good deal that my husband "happened on". I'm not the only crazy shopper in this household.
 The upstairs furniture is working rather nicely downstairs.
As you can see, Christmas is just around the corner, so it's time to focus on that for now. 

I've been so busy this year I haven't had time to turn GRUMPY or WOBBLE this Christmas..... or maybe I'm just turning over a a new leaf. 

Plenty has been unpacked, but trust me there is still much to be done. I'm leaving it for January!!!!

I've missed the hum of my sewing machine these past months, but it's a great reminder of how much I love it.
Now that I've officially stopped unpacking, I might have a little more blogging time as well. 


  1. Your place is looking gorgeous. You have certainly been busy. You have even been able to do some Christmas shopping. You're way ahead of me. Hope your son is doing well from his mishap. Merry Christmas and I look forward to seeing what projects you have for the new year.

  2. Ack! Red stools-Love! White chair-Heart! Red Hutch-Drool! I'll stop now before I electrocute myself!
    Merry, Merry to you!

  3. Wow, you have a Christmas tree in your fabric room, maybe you have caught the holiday bug this year? I love how you new place is looking.

  4. It appears this move was more of an adventure than a "drag"! What fun. A wonderful inspirational place to settle! Love the iron that matches the yarn! :)

  5. Oh, boy your workroom looks like Aladdin's cave - all that thread, fabric and yarn - don't you just want to play, fondle and create
    Enjoy Christmas and I hope to see some fantastic creations soon

  6. Thanks for the tour around your new home! It looks lovely! I hope you find some time to create again, we all need it to stay sane... especially during Christmas Time!

  7. Yeah! Every picture has something lovely to look at.

  8. YAY!!! You're back :) Your new digs are beautiful!! Take some time to relax and enjoy the Holidays with friends and family.

    How is your son doing????

  9. Love the aesthetic of your home. Very much like your quilts. And I'm quite jealous of your space and stash. Happy Holidays.

  10. Doors look great and I'm looking for some stools like that for my sewing room!

  11. The place is coming along great! Love the doors! all the shelving - wow - you managed to fill it up! Have a wonderful holiday season. Hope your son's finger is healing well.

  12. So glad to hear from you again. Your place looks great. Have a wonderful holiday season!!

  13. Your home looks beautiful! Have a lovely Christmas and New year then come back to the unpacking and rearranging fresh :)

  14. Such a great home! (Loe those doors!)
    Enjoy your break from unpacking and happy holidays!

  15. Wait... I don't Loe those doors, I Love those doors!
    (Sorry for the typo!)


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